This WS gives the opportunity to update external identifier and other fields of unidentified person in eHealth, except note field.
Service logic
Only authenticated and authorized SPECIALIST, ASSISTANT, RECEPTIONIST employees can update external_id of preperson.
Preperson can be updated only in OUTPATIENT or EMERGENCY legal entity type, if identifier of preperson is being known (returns after Create preperson).
Only note and status fields can not be updated.
Update allowed for prepersons with status = active.
Verify the validity of access token
Return 401 in case validation fails
Check user scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'preperson:write')
Return 403 in case invalid scope(s)
Validate legal entity
Check that legal entity is active (status = ACTIVE) and belongs to the user
Extract client_id from token
Check legal entity status (status = ACTIVE)
In case of error - return 409 (Legal entity must be ACTIVE)
Validate ID
Check ID exists and belongs to preperson
Check ID exists in MPI.prepersons
In case error - 404
Check preperson has status=active
In case error - return 422 (Preperson is not active)
Validate request
Validate request using schema (TBD)
Check at least one of allowed field is submitted and has value:
In case of error - return 422 (Schema validation failed)
Check if any forbidden field is submitted:
In case of error - return 422 (Schema validation failed)
Validate fields
Validate external_id according to regexp -
8-10.8-10.1-10 [0-9
Validate birth_date - must be <= today()
else error 422 "Birth date can't be in the future"Validate death_date < now():
In case of error - return 422 - “Death date can not be in future”
Validate death_date > = birth_date:
else error 422 "Death date should equal or greater than birth_date"
If submitted, set mpi.preperson.status = inactive
Update object in DB
prepersons table
Parameter | Source | Description |
external_id | Request: external_id | Identifier from external system. Get from request body |
first_name | Request: first_name |
second_name | Request: second_name |
last_name | Request: last_name |
gender | Request: gender |
birth_date | Request: birth_date |
emergency_contact | Request: emergency_contact |
death_date | Request: death_date | |
note | Request: note | |
updated_at | timestamp: now() | Get current date-time |
updated_by | uuid | Extract user from token |