This is Person (MPI) details. In order to obtain details user must have a scope **person:read**
type Person implements Node {
"The ID of an object"
id: ID!
"Primary key identifier from the database"
databaseId: UUID!
"Patient first name."
firstName: String! @fake(locale: "uk", method: "name.firstName", args: [1])
"Patient last name."
lastName: String! @fake(locale: "uk", method: "name.lastName", args: [1])
"Patient second name, is exists."
secondName: String @fake(locale: "uk", method: "name.firstName", args: [0])
"Patient birth date."
birthDate: Date! @fake(locale: "uk", method: "date.past", args: [100])
"Patient birth country."
birthCountry: String! @fake(locale: "uk", format: "Україна")
"Person's death date."
deathDate: Date @fake(locale: "uk", method: "date.past", args: [100])
"Patient gender. The value should be present in the `GENDER` dictionary."
gender: String!
"Patient's email"
email: String
"Patient status in the system, is set automatically."
status: PersonStatus!
"Patient birth settlement."
birthSettlement: String! @fake(locale: "uk", method: "address.city")
"the unique number in Unified State Register"
unzr: String @fake(randexp: "^[0-9]{8}-[0-9]{5}$")
"National person identifier."
taxId: String
locale: "uk"
method: "random.number"
args: [{ min: 1000000000, max: 9999999999 }]
"Flag to show whether person rejected to have taxId"
noTaxId: Boolean
"Preferred way to communicate with the patient."
preferredWayCommunication: PersonPreferredWayCommunication
"Technical information when the patient was inserted into the DB."
insertedAt: DateTime!
"Technical information when the patient was updated in the DB."
updatedAt: DateTime!
"The method to verify changes of patient by patient."
"The method to use when ordering collection items."
filter: PersonAuthenticationMethodFilter
"The method to use when ordering collection items."
orderBy: PersonAuthenticationMethodOrderBy
"Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor."
after: String
"Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor."
before: String
"Only read the first _n_ values of the set."
first: Int
"Only read the last _n_ values of the set."
last: Int
): PersonAuthenticationMethodConnection!
"Information of patients confidant person relationships."
"The method to use when ordering collection items."
filter: ConfidantPersonRelationshipsFilter
"The method to use when ordering collection items."
orderBy: ConfidantPersonRelationshipsOrderBy
"Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor."
after: String
"Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor."
before: String
"Only read the first _n_ values of the set."
first: Int
"Only read the last _n_ values of the set."
last: Int
): ConfidantPersonRelationshipsConnection!
"Patient identification documents."
documents: [PersonDocument]
"Patient addresses."
addresses: [Address]!
"The way how a patient wants to be reached."
phones: [Phone]
"Patient's contract person in case of emergency"
emergencyContact: EmergencyContact!
"The person(s) who is(are) responsible for the patient"
confidantPersons: [ConfidantPerson]
"Person's declarations."
"The method to use when ordering collection items."
orderBy: DeclarationOrderBy
"Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor."
after: String
"Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor."
before: String
"Only read the first _n_ values of the set."
first: Int
"Only read the last _n_ values of the set."
last: Int
): DeclarationConnection!
"Person's secret word for voice authentification"
secret: String
"internal NHS number of Requests written by Person. 15-20 symbols"
nhsRequestNumber: String!
"Description of request - either title of paper Request or description of requested changes. Up to 300 symbols"
nhsRequestComment: String!
"Scan files of Person's documents, located in Bucket, where name = latest Person_request.ID identifier. person_documents:read scope is needed to get this parameter"
personRequestAttachedDocuments: PersonRequestAttachedDocuments
"Scan files of Confidant person relationships documents"
confidantPersonRelationshipAttachedDocuments: ConfidantPersonRelationshipAttachedDocuments
"Cummulative verification status of the person"
verificationStatus: PersonVerificationStatus!
"Details about cummulative verification status of the person"
verificationDetails: PersonVerificationDetail
Scan files of documents, located in Bucket
type PersonRequestAttachedDocuments {
"List of scan copies of documents, related to Confidant persons"
confidantPersons: [ConfidantPersonAttachedDocuments]
"List of scan copies of Person's documents"
documents: [PersonRequestAttachedDocument]
"List of scan copies of Confidant person relationships documents"
confidantPersonRelationships: [ConfidantPersonRelationshipAttachedDocuments]
"Channel, which was used for creation of a latest Person Request"
lastPersonRequestChannel: String
"Date and time of creation of a latest Person Request"
lastPersonRequestInsertedAt: DateTime
Scan file of document, located in Bucket
type PersonRequestAttachedDocument {
"The type of document."
type: String!
"Person's scan files of documents, located in Bucket, in latest Person_request.id folder."
url: String!
List of person statuses.
enum PersonStatus {
"Status `ACTIVE` for a person"
"Status `INACTIVE` for a person"
List of person preferred way communication.
enum PersonPreferredWayCommunication {
"`EMAIL` as a preferred way of the communication."
"`PHONE` as a preferred way of the communication."
Person identifier documents.
type PersonDocument {
"Dictionary DOCUMENT_TYPE"
type: String
"document issue number"
number: String
"authority which issued the document"
issuedBy: String @fake(locale: "uk", method: "company.companyName")
"the date when document was issued"
issuedAt: Date
"document expiration date"
expirationDate: Date
Patient's contract person in case of emergency.
type EmergencyContact {
"Person first name."
firstName: String! @fake(locale: "uk", method: "name.firstName", args: [1])
"Person last name."
lastName: String! @fake(locale: "uk", method: "name.lastName", args: [1])
"Person second name, if exists."
secondName: String @fake(locale: "uk", method: "name.firstName", args: [0])
"The way how a perons wants to be reached."
phones: [Phone]!
The person who is responsible for the patient.
type ConfidantPerson {
"Priority of persons. The value should be present in the `CONFIDANT_PERSON_TYPE` dictionary."
relationType: String!
"Person first name."
firstName: String! @fake(locale: "uk", method: "name.firstName", args: [1])
"Person last name."
lastName: String! @fake(locale: "uk", method: "name.lastName", args: [1])
"Person second name, is exists."
secondName: String @fake(locale: "uk", method: "name.firstName", args: [0])
"Person birth date."
birthDate: Date @fake(locale: "uk", method: "date.past", args: [100])
"Person birth country."
birthCountry: String! @fake(locale: "uk", format: "Україна")
"Person birth settlement."
birthSettlement: String! @fake(locale: "uk", method: "address.city")
"Patient gender. The value should be present in the `GENDER` dictionary."
gender: String!
"the unique number in Unified State Register"
unzr: String @fake(randexp: "^[0-9]{8}-[0-9]{5}$")
"National person identifier."
taxId: String
locale: "uk"
method: "random.number"
args: [{ min: 1000000000, max: 9999999999 }]
"Person's email"
email: String
"ConfidantPerson identification documents."
documents: [PersonDocument]!
"Documents which prove relationship with the patient"
relationshipDocuments: [PersonDocument]!
"The way how a perons wants to be reached."
phones: [Phone]
"Preferred way to communicate with the confident person."
preferredWayCommunication: PersonPreferredWayCommunication
type PersonVerificationDetail {
drfo: PersonDrfoVerification!
dracsDeath: PersonDracsDeathVerification!
manualRules: PersonManualRulesVerification!
dracsBirth: PersonDracsBirthVerification!
dracsNameChange: PersonDracsNameChangeVerification!
legalCapacity: PersonLegalCapacityVerification!
type PersonDracsBirthVerification {
dracsBirthActId: ID
verificationStatus: PersonVerificationStatus!
verificationReason: PersonVerificationReason!
verificationComment: String
syncedAt: DateTime
unverifiedAt: DateTime
type PersonDracsNameChangeVerification {
verificationStatus: PersonVerificationStatus
verificationReason: PersonVerificationReason
verificationComment: String
type PersonLegalCapacityVerification {
verificationStatus: PersonVerificationStatus
verificationReason: PersonVerificationReason
unverifiedAt: DateTime