Versions Compared


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  1. Validate diagnostic_report _id is unique for MongoDB.Diagnostic_reports

  2. Validate that one of diagnostic reports categories corresponds to service category, that is references as code in DR

    1. $.diagnostic_report.category[?] where$.diagnostic_report.code.identifier.value

      1. in case of error return 422 "None of the diagnostic report categories matches with the service category"

  3. Validate that service, referenced as a code in DR, is active
    Note. For diagnostic_report.code pass only "service", and the "service_group" does not pass

    1. = true where$.diagnostic_report.code.identifier.value

      1. in case of errror return 422 "Service is not active"

    2. If service_requests.code.identifier.value is service, validate $diagnostic_report.code.identifier.value = service_requests.code.identifier.value

      1. in case error return 409, "Service in diagnostic_report differ from service in service request"

    3. if service_requests.code.identifier.value is service_group, validate $diagnostic_report.code.identifier.value in (SELECT service_id from service_inclusions where service_group_id='service_requests.code.identifier.value')

      1. in case error return 409, "Service in diagnostic_report differ from services in service request's service_group"

    4. if request_allowed==false return error 422 "Request is not allowed for this service"

  4. Validate referrals

    1. As a referral it can be referenced electronic (registered in the system) OR paper service request

    2. Validate ($.diagnostic_report.based_on OR $.diagnostic_report.paper_referral) or none in request

    3. Validate based on as Reference

    4. Validate paper referral as Object (paper_referral)

    5. Validate that service_request, referenced as based_on, is

      1. in status is active or program_processing_status=in_progress (any status is valid in case program_processing_status= in_progress)

        1. in case of error return 409 "Invalid service request status"

      2. used_by_legal_entity==token.client_id OR null

        1. in case of error return 409 "Service request is used by another legal_entity"

      3. if program is defined than used_by_legal_entity==token.client_id or NULL

        1. in case of error return 409 "Service request is used by another legal_entity"

      4. if program is defined than program_processing_status == new, in_queue or in_progress

      5. check that service_request contains based_on parameter

        1. in case based_on present in service_request

          1. verify care_plan:

            1. It should be in active status

            2. Care plan's period end (if exist) should be greater than current date or equal.

          2. verify activity:

            1. It has activity.detail.kind=service_request; activity.detail.product_reference=service_id. 

            2. It has scheduled, in_progress status

        2. in case based_on not present in request skip previous validations.

  5. Validate effective_period as a period (PeriodValidation)

  6. Validate that issued is within acceptable limits

    1. $.diagnostic_reports[*].issued<= current date_time

      1. in case of error 422 "Issued date  must be in past"

    2. $.diagnostic_reports[*].issued>=current_date-diagnostic_report_max_days_passed

      1. in case of error 422 "Issued must be greater than  {{current_date-diagnostic_report_max_days_passed}}" 

  7. Validate recorded_by as Employee (Employeevalidation)

  8. Validate performer.identifier as Employee (Employeevalidation)

  9. Validate performer.identifier is an employee with employee_type = DOCTOR or SPECIALIST or ASSITANT

  10. Validate managing_organization is a current legal_entity

    1. $.managing_organization.identifier.value==token.client_id

      1. in case of error 409 "Managing organization does not correspond to user's legal entity."

  11. Validate result_interpreter.identifier as Employee (Employeevalidation)

  12. Validate result_interpreter.identifier is an employee with employee_type = DOCTOR or SPECIALIST

  13. Validate only One of the fields is filled:

    1. $.diagnostic_report[*].results_interpreter.reference OR $.diagnostic_report[*].results_interpreter.text

    2. $.diagnostic_report[*].performer.reference OR $.diagnostic_report[*].performer.text

  14. Validate division

    1. Validate division as Reference(Referencevalidation)

    2. $division is an existing ID in PRM.divisions

      1. in case return 422, "Division with such id is not found"

    3. division.status=ACTIVE and is_active=true

      1. in case error return 409, "Division is not active"

    4. division.legal_entity_id = $client_id

      1. in case error return 409, "Division is not in current legal_entity"

  15. Patient must be active

    1. check that patients.status == active

      1. in case patients.status == inactive

        1. check mpi.persons(or mpi.prepersons if patients.preperson == true).updated_at and validate that now() - updated_at<=SUBMIT_DIAGNOSTIC_REPORT_PACKAGE_ALLOWED_PERIOD_MINUTES configuration (in minutes)

          1. in case of error return 409 (Person is not active more that the allowed time for data submitting)

  16. Validate patient verification status:

    1. If diagnostic report has based_on with valid and active service request, then skip this validation.

    2. Else check patient's verification_status is not equal to NOT_VERIFIED.

      1. in case of error return 409, "Patient is not verified"

  17. Validate patient

    1. check that patients.status == active

      1. in case of error return 409 (Person is not active)
