Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


  • Check user scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'encounter:cancel'

    • Return 403 in case invalid scope(s)



  • Content-Type:application/json

  • Authorization:Bearer {{access_token}}

  • API-key:{{secret}}

Request data validation

  1. Validate digital signature

    1. ds.drfo == PRM.parties.tax_id where ( where (:


      2. OR$.approval.granted_to.identifier.value ($.approvals.granted_resources.identifier.value==$.encounter_id AND $.approvals.access_level='write')

      3. OR PRM.employees.employee_type==MED_ADMIN

  2. Compare signed_content to previously created content

    1. select encounter, select * from observations, conditions, immunizations, allergy_intolerances where context.identifier.value=encounter_id and compare to signed_content (do not include statuses to comparation, cancellation_reason and  explanatory_letter )

      1. in case of inconsistencies return "Submitted signed content does not correspond to previously created content"

  3. Validate diagnoses still valid

    1. if ($.encounter.status!="entered_in_error") validate ($.conditions[?(@.verification_status=="entered_in_error")].id is not IN $.encounter.diagnoses[*].condition.identifier.value)

      1. in case of error "The condition can not be canceled while encounter is not canceled" 

  4. Validate cancellation_reason

    1. $.cancellation_reason.coding[*].system == "eHealth/cancellation_reasons"

  5. Validate entities are not canceled yet (status!= "entered_in_error")

    1. in case of error "Invalid transition"

  6. Validate at least one entity in the request marked as "entered_in_error"

    1. in case of error "At least one entity should have status "entered_in_error""

  7. Validate user performs action with an episode that belong to his legal entity

    1. ME.patient{patinet_id}.episodes{episode_id}.managing_organization==token.client_id

      1. in case of error return 422 "Managing_organization in the episode does not correspond to user`s legal_entity"
