n/n | Description | Inputs | Expected Result | Step by Step Script | Actual Result |
MISAT1RPAMT1 | Doctor call WS over broker | WS = GetDrugs()Authorization - Doctor of MSP MSP access_type = broker, Valid API-key = MIS secret, ValidMIS broker_scopes = drugs:read, NHS Admin call reset person authentication method | - Authorization - NHS Admin
- scope Valid (person:reset_authentication_method)
- Person_id - Valid
| Response 200 Get list of drugs | - Login as DoctorNHS admin
- Call GetDrugsResetPersonAuthenticationMethod()
| |
MISAT2RPAMT2 | Doctor call WS directWS = GetDrugs()Authorization - Doctor of MSP MSP access_type = direct, Valid | - Authorization - Doctor
- scope Invalid (person:reset_authentication_method)
- Person_id - Valid
| Response 403
| - Login as Doctor
- Call ResetPersonAuthenticationMethod()
| |
RPAMT1 | NHS Admin call reset person authentication method | - Authorization - NHS Admin
- scope Valid (person:reset_authentication_method)
- Person_id - Valid
| Response 200 Get list of drugs | - Login as NHS admin
- Call ResetPersonAuthenticationMethod()
| |
RPAMT1 | NHS Admin call reset person authentication method | - Authorization - NHS Admin
- scope Valid (person:reset_authentication_method)
- Person_id - Valid
| Response 200 Get list of drugs | - Login as
| Doctor- NHS admin
- Call
| GetDrugs- ResetPersonAuthenticationMethod()
| |