ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
Reset person authentication method Tests
n/n | Description | Inputs | Expected Result | Step by Step Script | Actual Result | Actual GraphQL Result |
RPAMT1 | NHS Admin call reset person authentication method |
| Response 200 Saved in DB `mpi.persons.authentication_methods` value = "[ { “type”: “NA” }. ]" |
| 200 |
RPAMT2 | Doctor call WS direct |
| Response 403 |
| 401 |
RPAMT3 | NHS Admin call reset person authentication method with bad person_id |
| Response 404 Not found |
| 404, Person not found |
RPAMT4 | NHS Admin call reset person authentication method with bad status of person |
| Response 409 Not found |
| CONFLICT Invalid status MPI for this action |
RPAMT5 | Reset reseted auth method |
| 200 |
| 200 |
, multiple selections available,
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ЕСОЗ - публічна документація