ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
Person request
n/n Test Case | Test Case Description | Test Case Inputs | Expected Result | Step by Step Script |
PR1 | Create adult Person with auth method.type = OTP |
| Response - 200 Send SMS on Create person request | Create, Approve, Sign person request |
PR2 | Create adult Person with auth method.type = OFFLINE |
| Response - 200 Download docs | Create, Approve, Sign person request |
PR3 | Create adult Person with auth method.type = THIRD_PERSON where third_person has auth method.type = OTP/ OFFLINE |
| Validation error - 422 `Adult person must be authorized OTP or OFFLINE` | Person2 - Create, Approve, Sign person request Person 1 - Create person request |
PR4 | Create adult Person with auth method.type = THIRD_PERSON where third_person doesn’t have active auth method |
| Validation error - 422 `Adult person must be authorized OTP or OFFLINE` | Person2 - Create, Approve, Sign person request. Reset auth method Person 1 - Create person request |
PR5 | Create child with auth method.type = OTP/OFFLINE |
| Validation error - 422 `Underage person must be authorized with one and only one third person` | Create person request |
PR6 | Create child with auth method.type = THIRD_PERSON where third_person has auth method.type = OTP |
| Response - 200 Send SMS on Create person request for Person2.phone_number | Person2 - Create, Approve, Sign person request. Person1 - Create, Approve, Sign person request. |
PR7 | Create child with auth method.type = THIRD_PERSON where third_person has auth method.type = OFFLINE |
| Validation error - 422 `THIRD PERSON can't have OFFLINE self auth method type` | Person2 - Create, Approve, Sign person request. Person1 - Create, Approve, Sign person request. |
PR8 | Create child with auth method.type = THIRD_PERSON where third_person doesn’t have active auth method |
| Validation error - 422 `THIRD PERSON doesn't have active valid authentication methods` | Person2 - Create, Approve, Sign person request. Reset auth method. Person1 - Create, Approve, Sign person request. |
PR9 | Update adult person with auth method.type = OTP |
| Response - 200 Send SMS on Create person request for Person.phone_number | Person1 - Create, Approve, Sign person request. Reset auth method Person 1 - Update, Approve, Sign person request |
PR10 | Update adult person with auth method.type = OFFLINE |
| Response - 200 Download docs | Person1 - Create, Approve, Sign person request. Reset auth method Person 1 - Update, Approve, Sign person request |
PR11 | Update adult person, who doesn’t have active auth method |
| Validation error - 422 `Person doesn't have active authentication methods. It is necessary to add` | Person1 - Create, Approve, Sign person request. Reset auth method Person 1 - Update person request |
PR12 | Validate phone_limit (phone_limit =3) | person.phone_number = phone_number1 | Validation error - 422 `This phone number is present more than 3 times in the system` | Person1, person2,person3 have phone_number1 Create person request |
PR13 | Person create declaration and person requests |
| Validation error - 422 `This person already has a declaration request with such documents` | Create decl request v2 Creat Person request |
PR14 | Tax_id doesn’t match | Tax_id doesn’t validate with birth_date/gender | Validation error - 422 Person's tax ID is not valid. | Create person request |
PR15 | Update person1 by person2 | update person request with id = person1.id update person quest has info of person2 | Validation error - 422 `Such person can't be updated. New person should be created instead` | Person1 - Create, Approve, Sign person request Update person request by 2 |
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ЕСОЗ - публічна документація