ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
Deduplication tests
n/n | Description | Test Case inputs | Expected Result | Step by step script | Actual Result |
1 | New unique patient creates declaration | 1. Patient - New 2. Configuration - DEDUPLICATION_TAX_ID [0.5, -0.1], DEDUPLICATION_FIRST_NAME [0.1, -0.1], DEDUPLICATION_LAST_NAME [0.1, -0.1], DEDUPLICATION_SECOND_NAME [0.1, -0.1], DEDUPLICATION_BIRTH_DATE [0.5, -0.1], DEDUPLICATION_DOCUMENT [0.1, -0.1], DEDUPLICATION_NATIONAL_ID [0.1, -0.1], DEDUPLICATION_PHONE_NUMBER [0.1, -0.1] 3. DEDUPLICATION_SCORE - 0.8 | New MPI created. No duplicates found | 1. Create declaration request with input data 2. Approve declaration request 3. Sign declaration request | |
2 | Patient with the same tax id, birth date, last name, first name and second name but different document and phone creates declaration | 1. Patient - with the same tax id, birth date, last name, first name and second name but different document and phone 2. Configuration - DEDUPLICATION_TAX_ID [0.5, -0.1], DEDUPLICATION_FIRST_NAME [0.1, -0.1], DEDUPLICATION_LAST_NAME [0.1, -0.1], DEDUPLICATION_SECOND_NAME [0.1, -0.1], DEDUPLICATION_BIRTH_DATE [0.5, -0.1], DEDUPLICATION_DOCUMENT [0.1, -0.1], DEDUPLICATION_NATIONAL_ID [0.1, -0.1], DEDUPLICATION_PHONE_NUMBER [0.1, -0.1] 3. DEDUPLICATION_SCORE - 0.8 | New MPI created. At least one duplicates found. Previous record merged and deactivated (status changed to INACTIVE) | 1. Create declaration request with input data 2. Approve declaration request 3. Sign declaration request | |
3 | Patient with the same last name, first name and second name but different tax id, birth date, document and phone creates declaration | 1. Patient - New 2. Configuration - DEDUPLICATION_TAX_ID [0.5, -0.1], DEDUPLICATION_FIRST_NAME [0.1, -0.1], DEDUPLICATION_LAST_NAME [0.1, -0.1], DEDUPLICATION_SECOND_NAME [0.1, -0.1], DEDUPLICATION_BIRTH_DATE [0.5, -0.1], DEDUPLICATION_DOCUMENT [0.1, -0.1], DEDUPLICATION_NATIONAL_ID [0.1, -0.1], DEDUPLICATION_PHONE_NUMBER [0.1, -0.1] 3. DEDUPLICATION_SCORE - 0.8 | New MPI created. No duplicates found | 1. Create declaration request with input data 2. Approve declaration request 3. Sign declaration request | |
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ЕСОЗ - публічна документація