Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


This process gets birth acts data of specific person from the DRACS registry through Trembita exchange gateway and uses it for further comparison with person and/or confidant person relationship.

Key points

  1. This process uses cron parameter to configure its start time.

  2. This process is used to obtain all active birth acts of specified person from DRACS registry.

  3. This process is used to verify both persons with birth certificate documents as well as confidant person relationships with birth certificate documents.

  4. This process is used for synchoronization for new or updated persons in the system, existing persons in the system that were not synchronized with DRACS birth acts registry, existing persons in the system that were synchronized with DRACS birth acts registry to check that their data is still valid in DRACS birth acts registry.

  5. This process gets limited amount of persons for synchronization with DRACS birth acts registry.

  6. This process uses Oban job processing library as jobs management tool.






Cron parameter, represents start time of Persons synchronization with DRACS birth acts registry process

*/3 * * * *


Size of Persons list that will be synchronized online with DRACS birth acts registry



Represents period in days when the existing person birth certificate data should be validated in DRACS birth acts registry if it still valid



Represents period in days when the existing confidant person relatinship with birth certificate data should be validated in DRACS birth acts registry if it still valid


Service logic

Step 1. Prepare list of Persons to be synced

Get list of active Persons (status=active, is_active=true) that must be synchronized online with DRACS birth acts registry by following criteria (using logical AND):


Get first person from obtained list.

Step 1.1 Update Person

Make data pre-estimation for a synchronization:


If person did not correspond to any of the rules above – proceed to Step 2.

Step 2. Get Person birth acts from DRACS

  1. If person must be verified by DRACS birth acts registry by conditions from Step 1 - update person_verifications table in MPI db for person_id, set values:

    1. dracs_birth_verification_status = ‘IN_REVIEW’

    2. dracs_birth_verification_reason = ‘AUTO_ONLINE’

  2. If confidant person relationship must be verified by DRACS birth acts registry by conditions from Step 1 - ppdate confidant_person_relationships table in MPI db for person_id and relationship_id, set values:

    1. verification_status = ‘IN_REVIEW’

    2. verification_reason = ‘AUTO’

  3. Get persons birth acts - perform GetBirthArByChildNameAndBirthDate DRACS method with following request params:

    1. ChildName = persons.first_name

    2. ChildBirthDate = persons.birth_date

    3. ChildPatronymic = persons.second_name (skip if empty)

    4. ChildSurname = persons.last_name

  4. Get ResultData field from GetBirthArByChildNameAndBirthDate method response and decode it from base64 to get XML file of birth acts list.

    1. in case GetBirthArByChildNameAndBirthDate ResultCode <> 0 or connection error or timeout is occured - check that persons dracs_birth_verification_status = ‘IN_REVIEW’ or confidant person relationship verification status = ‘IN_REVIEW’

      1. if true - rollback it in person_verifications table in MPI db for person_id to previous state

      2. if false - skip this person, go to next person in list.

Step 3. Prepare obtained birth acts

If GetBirthArByChildNameAndBirthDate call in Step 2 was successful and ResultCode = 0, parse obtained XML file and form birth acts list.

Save each birth act from formed list to dracs_birth_acts table in transaction according to fields matching:


  1. in case not found - insert new act record to dracs_birth_acts table, also add technical data:

    1. set id = autogenerate uuid

    2. set inserted_at = now()

    3. set updated_at = now()

  2. in case found - check that condition op_date = OP_DATE and ar_op_name = AR_OP_NAME is also met for found record:

    1. in case condition is met - full duplicate of birth acts already exists, update dracs_birth_acts tablefor found record:

      1. set updated_at = now()

    2. in case condition is not met - birth act was updated, check that fields of birth act from database (according to fields matching, but exclude technical fields ar_reg_date, ar_reg_number, op_date, ar_op_name) were updated in DRACS registry

      1. in case at least one field was updated

        1. save existing record to dracs_birth_acts_hstr table

          1. dracs_birth_act_id = id of current birth act from dracs_birth_acts table

          2. dracs_birth_act_data = full data of current birth act in jsonb format (without technical fields, use fields matching from table below)

          3. inserted_at = now()

        2. fully update existing birth act in dracs_birth_acts table with new values from DRACS registry

          1. set updated_at = now()

      2. in case none of the fields were updated - update dracs_birth_acts tablefor found birth act:

        1. op_date = OP_DATE from response

        2. ar_op_name = AR_OP_NAME from response

        3. updated_at = now()


  1. in case saved birth act is cancelled (ar_op_name = 2 or 3) or fully updated from DRACS (ar_op_name = 4 and the existing act was saved to dracs_birth_acts_hstr table) - check the existence of active person verification candidates in person_verification_candidates table in MPI db (with status = ‘NEW’, entity_type = ‘dracs_birth_act’ and entity_id = dracs_birth_act_id) or confidant person relationship verification candidates in confidant_person_relationship_verification_candidates table in MPI db (with status = ‘NEW’, entity_type = ‘dracs_birth_act’ and and entity_id = dracs_birth_act_id)

    1. in case found, deactivate each verification candidate with the following logic:

      1. update the status of the verification candidate in person_verification_candidates or confidant_person_relationship_verification_candidates table:

        1. set status = ‘DEACTIVATED’

        2. set status_reason = 'BIRTH_ACT_UPDATED'

        3. set updated_at = now()

      2. check existence of other active verification candidates for person_id in person_verification_candidates table in MPI db (with status = ‘NEW’ and entity_type = ‘dracs_birth_act’) and active verification candidates for relationship_id in confidant_person_relationship_verification_candidates table in MPI db (with status = ‘NEW’ and entity_type = ‘dracs_birth_act’):

        1. in case no more active verification candidates are found for the person, update its dracs birth verification status in person_verifications table:

          1. set dracs_birth_verification_status = ‘VERIFICATION_NEEDED’

          2. set dracs_birth_verification_status = ‘ONLINE_TRIGGERED’

          3. set dracs_birth_unverified_at = null

          4. set dracs_birth_synced_at = null

          5. set updated_at = now()

        2. in case no more active verification candidates are found for the relationship, update its verification status in confidant_person_relationships table:

          1. set verification_status = ‘VERIFICATION_NEEDED’

          2. set verification_status = ‘ONLINE_TRIGGERED’

          3. set unverified_at = null

          4. set dracs_birth_synced_at = null

          5. set updated_at = now()

Step 4. Verify Person

Check that person_verifications.dracs_birth_verification_status equals to IN_REVIEW (because if changed to any other status, then its mean that person record has been changed while current sync with DRACS birth acts performed, or person should not be synchronized by DRACS birth acts registry):


After all birth acts were compared with Person data – go to Step 4.1.

Step 4.1. Verify Persons confidant person data

Invoke this step if person must be verified by DRACS birth acts registry on Step 4 and person has confidant persons in persons.confidant_person in MPI db and existing confidant persons have documents_relationship with type = BIRTH_CERTIFICATE and person age is lesser than person_full_legal_capacity_age global parameter and person has at least one active birth acts (defined on Step 4).


  1. Compare Confidant persons documents_relationship data with each birth act data using comparison process:

    1. get documents_relationship.number (with type = BIRTH_CERTIFICATE) from confidant person

    2. get certificates.cert_serial + certificates.cert_number with certificates.cert_status = 1 from birth act

    3. perform normalization of found numbers (remove special symbols, bring to lower register)

    4. compare found numbers:

      1. if at least one act is equal – proceed with all valid acts data to next comparison step

      2. if all acts are not equal – skip this confidant person, if Person does not have other confidant persons – proceed to Step 5

  2. Compare Confidant persons personal data with each birth act data (compared from previous comparison step) using comparison process:

    1. get last_name, first_name, second_name, tax_id and birth_date from confidant person

    2. get father_surname, father_name, father_patronymic, father_numident, father_date_birth, mother_surname, mother_name, mother_patronymic, mother_numident, mother_date_birth from birth act

    3. perform normalization of found fields (remove special symbols, bring to lower register)

    4. compare confidant person with parents by following steps:

      1. compare last_name, first_name, second_name, birth_date with father_surname, father_name, father_patronymic, father_date_birth or mother_surname, mother_name, mother_patronymic, mother_date_birth

        1. if at least one act is equal – compare tax id on the next step

        2. if all acts are not equal – skip this confidant person, if Person does not have other confidant persons – proceed to Step 5.

      2. compare tax_id (if exists) with corresponding father_numident or mother_numident (if exists)

        1. if does not exist or exists and at least one act is equal – proceed with all valid acts data to next comparison step

        2. if not equal – skip this confidant person, if Person does not have other confidant persons – proceed to Step 5

  3. Check compared Confidant persons parent rights from birth acts (compared from previous comparison step):

    1. get father_parent_rights and mother_parent_rights from birth act

    2. check that father_parent_rights <> 183 or mother_parent_rights <> 185 for corresponding confidant person

      1. if father_parent_rights <> 183 or mother_parent_rights <> 185 for Confidant person – proceed to next step

      2. if father_parent_rights = 183 or mother_parent_rights = 185 for any Confidant person – skip this confidant person, if Person does not have other confidant persons – proceed to Step 5

  4. Search for active person using Active person search algorithm with successfully compared confidant person last_name, first_name, second_name and tax_id (if exists)

    1. if tax_id does not exists or search returns ‘No active person found’ or ‘Impossible to clearly identify an active person’ messages – skip this confidant person, if Person does not have other confidant persons – proceed to Step 5

    2. if one active person is found – check that it can be used as confidant person using following validations

      1. if no validation fails – create Confidant person relationship as described here, only set:

        1. verification_status = ‘VERIFIED’

        2. verification_reason = ‘AUTO’

        3. dracs_birth_synced_at = now()

      2. remove confidant person data from persons.confidant_person field

After all birth acts were compared with Confidant persons data – go to Step 5.

Step 5. Verify Confidant person relationships

Check that Person has confidant person relationships with verification_status = IN_REVIEW and verification_reason = AUTO_ONLINE with confidant_person_relationship_documents.type = BIRTH_CERTIFICATE.


After all birth acts were compared with Confidant person relationships data – go to Step 6.

Step 6. Select next Person

Select the next person from the obtained list and return to Step 2 of the process.
