ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
DRACS integration data model_EN
Source file:
The table in MIMIR db is used to store up-to-date death acts that were saved from DRACS registry
Name | Type | M/O | Description |
id | uuid | M | System field, does not exist in DRACS registry Internal eHealth identifier |
ar_reg_date | timestamp | O | Death act registration date in DRACS registry |
ar_reg_number | varchar(255) | O | Death act registration number in DRACS registry |
op_date | timestamp | O | Date of last operation with death act |
ar_op_name | varchar(255) | O | Name of last operation with death act |
reg_numb | varchar(255) | O | Death act number in the book of state registration of deaths |
compose_date | varchar(255) | O | Death act compose date |
compose_org | varchar(255) | O | The state organization who composed death act |
is_restore | smallint | O | Restored (renewed) flag |
name | varchar(255) | O | First name of deceased person |
surname | varchar(255) | O | Last name of deceased person |
patronymic | varchar(255) | O | Second name of deceased person |
date_birth | varchar(255) | O | Birth date of deceased person |
birth_state | varchar(255) | O | Birthplace country of deceased person |
birth_region | varchar(255) | O | Birthplace region of deceased person |
birth_district | varchar(255) | O | Birthplace district of deceased person |
birth_locality_type | varchar(255) | O | Birthplace locality type of deceased person |
birth_locality | varchar(255) | O | Birthplace locality name of deceased person |
sex | varchar(255) | O | Gender of deceased person |
numident | varchar(255) | O | Tax id of deceased person |
date_death | varchar(255) | O | Death date of deceased person |
state | text | O | Residence country name of deceased person |
region | text | O | Residence area name of deceased person |
district | text | O | Residence district name of deceased person |
locality_type | text | O | Residence settlement type of deceased person |
locality | text | O | Residence locality name of deceased person |
street | text | O | Residence street name of deceased person including street type |
house | text | O | Residence house number of deceased person |
apartment | text | O | Residence apartment number of deceased person |
doc_seizes | jsonb | O | Documents that were seized from a deceased person Json structure is described in the table below |
inserted_at | timestamp | M | System field, does not exist in DRACS registry Date and time when death act was inserted |
updated_at | timestamp | M | System field, does not exist in DRACS registry Date and time when death act was updated |
persons_compare_status | varchar | M | System field, does not exist in DRACS registry Status of comparing death act with person records in MPI db Possible values:
parties_compare_status | varchar | M | System field, does not exist in DRACS registry Status of comparing death act with party records in PRM db Possible values:
settlement_id | varchar | O | System field, does not exist in DRACS registry Identifier of deceased persons residence address (calculated based on locality and district fields) |
Json structure of documents that were seized from a deceased person (stored in dracs_death_act table in MIMIR db)
Name | Type | M/O | Description |
doc_type | text | O | Seized document types, values:
doc_name | text | O | Name of document with doc_type = ‘2’ |
series_numb | text | O | Serial number of document |
doc_date | text | O | Date of issue of document |
doc_org_name | text | O | Organization that issues the document |
The table in MIMIR db is used to store periods of death acts registration dates and when they were updated last time from DRACS registry
Name | Type | M/O | Description |
id | bigserial | M | Internal record identifier |
ar_reg_date | date | M | Date of death acts registration |
updated_at | timestamp | M | Date and time when death acts registration date was last time updated from DRACS registry |
The table in MIMIR db is used to store historic death acts that were updated from DRACS registry
Name | Type | M/O | Description |
id | bigserial | M | Internal record identifier |
dracs_death_act_id | uuid | M | Death act identifier from dracs_death_acts table |
dracs_death_act_data | jsonb | M | Full death act data in json format |
inserted_at | timestamp | M | Date and time when historic death act was inserted |
The table in MPI db is used to store results of synchronization with external registries that characterizes a person
Model described Person verification data model | person_verifications
The table in MPI db is used to store links between person_id and dracs_death_act_id that were created as the result of as a result of comparing persons data with death act data
Model described Person verification data model | person_verification_candidates
The table in PRM db is used to store results of synchronization with external registries that characterizes a party
Model described Party verification data model | party_verifications
The table in PRM db is used to store links between party_id and dracs_death_act_id that were created as the result of as a result of comparing party data with death act data
Model described Party verification data model | party_verification_candidates
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