Get Immunization by id
# | Description | Input | Expected result | Actual result | Status |
1 | Valid data | Valid id of the existing patient | 200, valid response | 200, valid response | passed |
2 | Missing scope | Token without scope "immunization:read" | 403 | 403 "Your scope does not allow to access this resource. Missing allowances: immunization:read" | passed |
3 | Invalid id | 404 | 404 | passed | |
4 | Declaration validation | id of the patient who doesn`t have a declaration with the current doctor | 401 | 401 Access denied - you have no active declaration with the patient | passed |
# | Description | Input | Expected result | Actual result | Status | |
1 | Valid data | No search params | 200, valid response | 200, valid response | passed | |
2 | Missing scope | Token without scope "immunization:read" | 403 | 403 "Your scope does not allow to access this resource. Missing allowances: immunization:read" | passed | |
3 | Invalid id | 404 | 404 | passed | ||
4 | Declaration validation | id of the patient who doesn`t have a declaration with the current doctor | 403 | 401 Access denied - you have no active declaration with the patient | passed | |
5 | Valid search by vaccine_code | 200, valid response | 200, valid response | passed | ||
6 | Valid search by date_from | 200, valid response | 200, valid response | passed | ||
7 | Valid search by date_to | 200, valid response | 200, valid response | passed | ||
8 | Valid search by date combination | 200, valid response | 200, valid response | passed | ||
9 | Valid search by encouner | encounter contains 1 immunization | 200, 1 immunization in response | 200, valid response | passed | |
10 | Search by encounter that does not contain any immunizations | empty array | empty array | passed | ||
11 | Search by encounter id that does no exist | empty array | empty array | passed | ||
12 | Valid search by episode | patient: db63c1ce-608b-468d-9ab3-8bd201a1f69 episode: 5d0ec35a-a15e-45b2-b822-0525405df034 episode that contains 1 immunization | 1 item in array | all the collection | failed1 item in array | passed |
13 | Search by episode that is empty (no encounter) | patient: db63c1ce-608b-468d-9ab3-8bd201a1f69 episode: 4cbc6604-182a-40d3-9a04-56a32011092c | empty array | all the collection | failedempty array | passed |
14 | Search by episode that does not contain any immunizations | patient: db63c1ce-608b-468d-9ab3-8bd201a1f69 episode: eb11be0e-3775-4936-829c-e28c26575b6e | empty array | all the collection | failedempty array | passed |
15 | Search by episode id that does no exist | patient: db63c1ce-608b-468d-9ab3-8bd201a1f69 episode: 896faa7b-cb2a-4bce-ba1c-0de3061cb63d | empty array | all the collection | failedempty array | passed |
16 | Valid search by combitantion | 200, valid response | 200, valid response | passed | ||
17 | Invalid search by | encounter18date | not a date | 422 | 422 | passed |
18 | Invalid search by encounter | not a uuid | 422 | 422 | passed | |
19 | Invalid search by episode | not a uuid | 422 | 422 | passed |