| vaccineCode. Validate - is sent
- as a codeable_concept
- by dictionary 'eHealth/vaccine_codes'
| encounter context. Validate - is sent
- validate context is reference to encounter
- validate context is reference to the encounter in the same payload or existing encounter in DB
- validate encounter is made for the same patient_id
- validate encounter.managing_organization = client_id from token
- validate encounter is not in status 'entered_in_error'
| recorded date. Validate - is sent
- is a dateTime
- current_date-immunization_max_days_passed >= $.immunizations[*].date <= current_time
| primary_source. Validate - is sent
- validate primary_source is boolean
- validate primary_source is sent
one_of | performer. Validate - validate performer is a reference to employee
- validate employee is active and is_active=true
- validate employee.legal_entity_id belongs to MEDICATION_REQUEST_REQUEST_LEGAL_ENTITY_TYPES
- validate performer is sent if primary_source=true
report_origin. Validate |