Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


This WS is designed to create a new procedure separately from encounter pckg. 








Table of Contents


This WS is designed to create a new procedure separately from encounter pckg. 


Page Properties







Episode of Care


API paragraph not found

Protocol type


Request type







  • Verify the validity of access token

    • Return return 401 (401, 'unauthorizedUnauthorized') in case of validation fails

  • Verify that token is not expired

    • in case of error - return (401, 'unauthorized')

  • Check user scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'procedure:write')

    1. Return (403, 'invalid scopes') in case of invalid scope(s)


    • return 401 ('Unauthorized')

  • Check user scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'procedure:write')

    • Return 403 ('Invalid scopes') in case of invalid scope(s)

  • If BLOCK_UNVERIFIED_PARTY_USERS is true, then check party's data match following condition: verification_status != NOT_VERIFIED or (verification_status = NOT_VERIFIED and updated_at <= current_date - UNVERIFIED_PARTY_PERIOD_DAYS_ALLOWED):

    •  in case not match - return 403 ("Access denied. Party is not verified")



  • Content-Type:application/json

  • Authorization:Bearer {{access_token}}

  • API-key:{{secret}}


  1. Validate id

    1. ID is unique for MongoDB.procedures

    2. ID is UUID

  2. Validate referrals

    1. As a referral it can be referenced electronic (registered in the system) OR paper service request

    2. Validate $.procedure.based_on OR $.procedure.paper_referral is in request

    3. Validate based_on as Reference(Referencevalidation)

    4. Validate paper referral as Object (paper_referral)

    5. Validate that service_request is

      1. in status is active 

        1. in case of error return 409 "Invalid service request status"

      2. if used_by_legal_entity != NULL:

        1. check used_by_legal_entity.identifier.value == token.client_id 

          1. in case of error return 409 "Service request is used by another legal_entity"

      3. service_request.expiration date should be < >= now

        1. in case error return 422, "Service request expiration date must be a datetime greater than or equal"

      4. check that service_request contains based_on parameter

        1. in case based_on present in service_request

          1. verify care_plan:

            1. It should be in active status

            2. Care plan's period end (if exist) should be greater than current date or equal.

          2. verify activity:

            1. It has activity.detail.kind=service_request; activity.detail.product_reference=service_id. 

            2. It has scheduled, in_progress status

            3. For an old activities (has no units in quantity) validate remaining_quantity as described at Submit Encounter Data Package: Related care plan validation

        2. in case based_on not present in request skip previous validations.

      5. Check if service request quantity is not exhausted as described at Submit Encounter Data Package: Related service request validation

  3. Validate status

    1. On create procedure status could be only completed or not_done. `entered_in_error` could be set on update procedure.

      1. error 422 by json schema

  4. Validate code
    Note. For procedure.code pass only "service", and the "service_group" does not pass

    1. Validate code as Reference(Referencevalidation)

    2. If service_requests.code.identifier.value is service, validate $procedure.code.identifier.value = service_requests.code.identifier.value

      1. in case error return 409, "Service in procedure differ from service in service request"

    3. if service_requests.code.identifier.value is service_group, validate $procedure.code.identifier.value in (SELECT service_id from service_inclusions where service_group_id='service_requests.code.identifier.value')

      1. in case error return 409, "Service in procedure differ from services in service request's service_group"

    4. Validate procedure.service.is_active = true

      1. in case error return 409, "Service should be active"

    Validate performed_period/
      1. active"

  5. Validate performed_period/performed_date_time:

    1. if $.status == "not_done" check that  performed_period/performed_date_time fields are not present in request

      1. in case error return 422 entry: "$.performed_period" (or "$.performed_date_time"), rules[0].description: "Must not be present in procedure with status <$.status>"

    2. else, if $.status == "not_done" check that  performed_period/performed_date_time fields are not present in requestcompleted":

      1. Check that only one of this parameters present

        1. in case error return

        422 entry: "$.performed_period" (or "$.performed
        1. 422 "Only one of the parameters must be present"

      2. Validate performed_date_time

        1.  performed_date_time

        "), rules[0].description: "Must not be present in procedure with status <$.status>"
      else, if $.status == "completed":
        1. is real

          1. in case error return 422, "Performed_date_time in invalid"

        2. performed_date_time <= now

          1. in case error return 422 "Procedure cannot be registered in future"

      1. Validate performed_period

        1. $.performed_period.

        1. start <= now

          1. in case of error return 422 "Procedure cannot be registered in future"

        2. $.performed_period.

        1. end >= $.performed_period.start

          1. in case of error return 422 "End date must be greater than start date"

        2. $.performed_period.end <= now

          1. in case error return 422 "Procedure cannot be registered in future"

        3. Validate $.performed_period as required field in case if procedure based on service request with quantity that has code=MINUTE (system=SERVICE_UNIT)

          1. in case of error return

        422 "Period is required
          1. 422, entry: "$.performed_period", rules[0].description: "can't be blank"

  6. Validate recorded_by

    1. Validate recorded_by as Reference(Referencevalidation)

    2. $..recorded_by.identifier.value is an ID of existing employee in PRM.employee

      1. in case of error  return 422, "Employee with such id is not found"

    3. Validate recorded_by is employee with status='APPROVED' and is_active= true and end_date is null or more than today and PRM.employees.employee_type in ('DOCTOR','SPECIALIST','ASSISTANT')

      1. in case error return 409, "This action is prohibited for current employee" 

    4. Validate employees.legal_entity_id=$managing_organization.identifier.value

      1. in case error return 409, "Employee should be from current legal entity"

  7. Performer(asserter) validation

    1. case $..primary_source==true

      1. $..performer(or $..asserter) must be filled

        1. in case of error "Performer (asserter) must be filled"

      2. $..report_origin must be absent

        1. in case of error "Report_origin can not be submitted in case primary_source is true" 

      3. validate performer(asserter) is a valid value from corresponding dictionary

        1. $..performer.identifier.type.coding[*].system == "eHealth/resources"

          1. in case of error "Submitted system is not allowed for this field"

        2. $..performer.identifier.type.coding[*].code=="employee"

          1. in case of error "Submitted code is not allowed for this field"

      4. validate performer(asserter) is an active medical staff from current legal_entity

        1. $..performer.identifier.value is an ID of existing employee in PRM.employee

          1. in case of error "Employee with such id is not found"

        2. $..performer.identifier.value == where (PRM.employees.status == "APPROVED" and PRM.employees.employee_type in ('DOCTOR','SPECIALIST','ASSISTANT'))

    2. case primary_source=false

      1.  error 422. (Procedure with primary_source=false could be send only with encounter package)

  8. Validate division

    1. Validate division as Reference(Referencevalidation)

    2. $division is an ID in PRM.divisions

      1. in case return 422, "Division with such id is not found"

    3. division.status=ACTIVE and is_active=true

      1. in case error return 409, "Division is not active"

    4. division.legal_entity_id = $client_id

      1. in case error return 409, "Division is not in current legal_entity"

  9. Validate patient status

    1. Medical_data status for this patient must be in "active" status

      1. in case of error return 409 - "Patient is not active"

  10. Validate managing_organization is a current active legal_entity with proper type

    1.  as Reference(Referencevalidation)

    2. $managing_organization is an ID in PRM.legal_entities

      1. in case return 409, "Division is not in current legal_entity"

  11. Validate managing_organization is a current active legal_entity with proper type

    1.  as Reference(Referencevalidation)

    2. $managing_organization is an ID in PRM.legal_entities

      1. in case return 422, "Legal entity with such id is not found"

    3. validate managing_organization status is 'ACTIVE' and is_active=true

      1. in case error return 422 ('Legal entity is not active')

    4. validate legal_entity type is in ('PRIMARY_CARE','MSP','MSP_PHARMACY','MSP_PHARMACY') (use `ME_ALLOWED_TRANSACTIONS_LE_TYPES` from charts)

      1. in case error return 422, "Legal entity with such id is not found"

    5. validate managing_organization status is 'ACTIVE' and is_active=true

      1. in case error return 422 ('Legal entity is not active')

    6. validate legal_entity type is in ('PRIMARY_CARE','MSP','MSP_PHARMACY','MSP_PHARMACY') (use `ME_ALLOWED_TRANSACTIONS_LE_TYPES` from charts)

      1. in case error return 422, "Legal entity with type $legal_entity.type cannot perform procedures"

    7. validate $managing_organization.identifier.value = $client_id

      1. in case of error 409 "Managing organization does not correspond to user's legal entity."

  12. Validate reason_references

    1. Validate reason_reference as a Reference (Referencevalidation)

    2. Validate reason_refernce.identifier.type.coding.[0].code is condition or observation

      1. in case error return 422 "value is not allowed in enum"

    3. Validate reason_refernce.identifier.value is condition or observation not in status ENTERED_IN_ERROR

      1. in case error return 422, "Observation in "entered_in_error" status can not be referenced" if observation, else - "Condition is canceled"

  13. Validate outcome

    1. validate outcome as a Reference (Referencevalidation)

    2. validate outcome.coding.object.system is in dictionary eHealth/procedure_outcomes

      1. in case error return 422, "outcome not in dictionary eHealth/procedure_outcomes"

  14. Validate category

    1. according to the dictionary 'eHealth/procedure_categories' - by schemata

    2. Validate that procedure category corresponds to service category, that is references as code in procedure

      1. $ where$.procedure.code.identifier.value

        1. in case of error return 422 "Procedure category does not match with the service category"

  15. Validate patient verification status:

    1. If procedure has based_on with valid and active service request, then skip this validation.

    2. Else check patient verification_status is not equal to NOT_VERIFIED.

      1. in case of error return 409, "Patient is not verified"

  16. Validate used_codes

    1. Check that the $.used_codes[*].coding[*].code belongs to the dictionary in $.used_codes[*].coding[*].system

      1. in case of error - return 422 "Value is not allowed in enum"

    2. Validate 'used_codes.coding.code'  is_active = true

      1. in case error return 409, "Value is not active"type $legal_entity.type cannot perform procedures"

    3. validate $managing_organization.identifier.value = $client_id

      1. in case of error 409 "Managing organization does not correspond to user's legal entity."

  17. Validate reason_references

    1. Validate reason_reference as a Reference (Referencevalidation)

    2. Validate reason_refernce.identifier.type.coding.[0].code is 'condition' or 'observation'

      1. in case error return 422 "value is not allowed in enum"

    3. Validate reason_refernce.identifier.value is condition or observation not in status ENTERED_IN_ERROR

      1. in case error return 422, "<Medical event resource> in "entered_in_error" status can not be referenced"

  18. Validate outcome

    1. validate outcome as a Reference (Referencevalidation)

    2. validate outcome.coding.object.system is in dictionary eHealth/procedure_outcomes

      1. in case error return 422, "outcome not in dictionary eHealth/procedure_outcomes"

  19. Validate category

    1. according to the dictionary 'eHealth/procedure_categories' - by schemata

    2. Validate that procedure category corresponds to service category, that is references as code in procedure

      1. $ where$.procedure.code.identifier.value

        1. in case of error return 422 "Procedure category does not match with the service category"

  20.  If patient is person - validate verification status:

    1. If procedure has based_on with service request, then skip this validation.

    2. Else check patient verification_status is not equal to NOT_VERIFIED.

      1. in case NOT_VERIFIED - return error 409, "Patient is not verified"

  21. Validate used_codes

    1. Check that the $.used_codes[*].coding[*].code belongs to the dictionary in $.used_codes[*].coding[*].system

      1. in case of error - return 422 "Value is not allowed in enum"

    2. Validate 'used_codes.coding.code'  is_active = true

      1. in case error return 409, "Value is not active"

  22. Validate used_references

    1. Validate used_reference.identifier.type.coding.[0].code is 'equipment'

      1. in case error return 422 "value is not allowed in enum"

    2. Validate used_reference.identifier.type.coding.[0].code is status is 'ACTIVE' and is_active=true

      1. in case error return 422 ('Equipment is not active')

    3. Validate used_reference.identifier.type.coding.[0].code is availability_status is 'Available' 

      1. in case error return 422 ('Equipment is not available')

    4. Validate used_reference.identifier.type.coding.[0].code is legal_entity_id is Legal entity for performer in Procedure

      1. in case error return 422 ('Equipment does not belong to Legal entity')

    5. Validate used_reference.identifier.type.coding.[0].code division_id is division in Procedure

      1. in case error return 422 ('Equipment does not belong to division')


API paragraph not found


  1. Save signed_content to Media Storage

  2. Save data to corresponding collection in DB

  3. In case procedures.based_on was filled set $ to related to $.service_request $.activity[].outcome_reference

  4. Update $ .activity.status to in_progress if previous activity status was scheduled

  5. Update the $ .activity.remaining_quantity parameter by the value achieved at  Submit Encounter Data Package: Related care plan validation (for an old activities only that has no quantity units)

  6. Update remaining_quantity in the service request with a value that was calculated in the  Submit Encounter Data Package: Related care plan validation

  7. Set origin_episode (if $.based_on in request and $.based_on.service_request.context != null) for Procedure:

    1. origin_episode is an object from the $.service_request.context.episode

HTTP status codes

Page Properties

HTTP status code


What caused the error





Access denied



Invalid scopes



Patient not found




Validation error