Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


subject (patient_id)

  1. is sent
  2. validate patient_id is UUID
  3. validate patient exists in DB
  4. validate patient is active and is_active=true



  1. is sent
  2. validate observation_id is UUID
  3. validate that $.{collection}[*].id from the payload are all unique among themselves
  4. validate there is no entity with such id in the corresponding Medical events collection


partOf. (diagnostic_report. ) Validate:

  1. as reference to diagnostic_report
  2. diagnostic_report is sent in payload or exists in DB
  3. diagnostic_report not in status "entered_in_error"


status. Validate:

  1. by dictionary eHealth/observation_statuses


category (categories). Validate:

  1. is sent
  2. as codeable_concept
  3. by dictionary eHealth/observation_categories


code. Validate

  1. is sent
  2. as codeable_concept
  3. by dictionary eHealth/LOINC/observation_codes


Encounter (context)

  1. is sent
  2. validate context is reference to encounter
  3. validate context is reference to the encounter in the same payload or existing encounter in DB
  4. validate encounter is made for the same patient_id
  5. validate encounter.managing_organization = client_id from token
  6. validate encounter is not in status 'entered_in_error'


effective[x] (effective_date_time). Validate

  1. as a real date
  2. current_date-observation_max_days_passed >= date <= current_time


effective[x] (effective_period )

  1. period as a Period


issued. Validate:

  1. is sent
  2. as a real Datetime



  1. is sent
  2. validate primary_source is boolean
  3. validate primary_source is sent



  1. validate performer is a reference to employee
  2. validate employee is active and is_active=true
  3. validate employee.legal_entity_id belong to MEDICATION_REQUEST_REQUEST_LEGAL_ENTITY_TYPES
  4. validate performer is sent if primary_source=true



  1. validate asserter validate report_origin is a codable concept
  2. validate asserter validate report_origin is sent if primary_source=false


interpretation. Validate

  1. as codeable_concept
  2. by dictionary eHealth/observation_interpretations


note (comment). Validate

  1. as a string with max length = 2000 


bodySite (body_site). Validate

  1. as codeable_concept
  2. by dictionary eHealth/body_sites


method. Validate

  1. as codeable_concept
  2. by dictionary eHealth/observation_methods


Quantity (value_quantity)
CodeableConcept (value_codeable_concept)
  1. as codeable_concept
  2. by dictionary eHealth/body_sites
SampledData (value_sampled_data)
string (value_string)
boolean (value_boolean)
Range (value_range)
Ratio (value_ratio)
time (value_time)
dateTime (value_date_time)
Period (value_period)

referenceRange (reference_ranges)

reaction_on. Validate

  1. as reference to immunization
  2. immunization is sent in payload or exists in DB
  3. immunization is made for the same person
  4. immunization is not in status 'entered_in_error'



  1. $.observations[*].components[*].value_period as a Period

