n/n | description | inputs | expected result | step by step script | actual result |
SD1 | Find Dismissed doctor |
| 200, empty |
| |
SD2 | Find doctor with division=null |
| 200, empty |
| |
SD3 | Find employee_type<>'DOCTOR' |
| 200, empty |
| |
SD4 | Find doctor who reached limit |
| 200, is_available=false |
| |
SD5 | Find by last_name and second_name |
| 200 |
| |
SD6 | Search DOCTORs by speciality |
| 200 |
| |
SD7 | Search DOCTORs with 2 different specialities by speciality=false |
| 200 |
| |
SD8 | Search DOCTORs by division_id |
| 200, doctors within current division |
| |
SD9 | Search DOCTORs by is_avaliable=false |
| 200 |
| |
SD10 | Search DOCTORs by division_name |
| 200, doctors within current division |
| |
SD11 |
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