ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
PIS. Reject Declaration request
This WS is designed to reject previously created Declaration Request by patient
Key points
Only authenticated and authorized user with appropriate scope can reject Declaration Request.
Declaration Request can be rejected only from ‘NEW' or ‘APPROVED’ status.
Verify the validity of access token
in case of error - return 401 (“Invalid access token”) in case of validation fails
Verify that token is not expired
in case of error - return 401 (“Invalid access token”)
Check user scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'declaration_request:reject_pis')
return 403 (“Your scope does not allow to access this resource. Missing allowances: declaration_request:reject_pis”) in case of invalid scope(s)
Validate Person
Get person_id from token (x-person-id header)
Validate patient status is active (status = ‘active' & is_active = 'true’)
in case of error - return 404 ('not found')
Validate verification status of person not NOT_VERIFIED
in case of error - return return 403 ("Access denied. Person is not verified")
Validate confidant person and relationship (optional)
If person is not legally capable - system must ensure that declaration request is rejected by confidant person and there is registered and verified their relationship
Get applicant_person_id
from token, compare it to person_id
from token:
If equals - check that person must not be authorized by confidant person, so it doesn’t correspond to following rules:
persons age < no_self_registration_age global parameter;
persons age between no_self_registration_age and person_full_legal_capacity_age global parameters and person does not have document with type from PIS_PERSON_LEGAL_CAPACITY_DOCUMENT_TYPES config parameter;
persons age > person_full_legal_capacity_age global parameter and exists at least one active and approved confidant person relationship for person (using following process Check confidant person relationship with person_id = person from request - expected
:ok, :approved
response)In case of error - return 409 (‘Request must be authorized by confidant person’)
If not equal - validate relationship with following steps:
Check that there is registered relationship between
(MPI.confidant_person_relationships)Check that relationship is VERIFIED
In case of error - return 409 (‘Can’t confirm relationship’)
Check that
exists (status = 'active' & is_active = 'true') and has verification_status any butNOT_VERIFIED
In case of error - return 409 (‘Confidant person not found or is not verified’)
Validate Declaration request
Check that declaration request:
exists in il DB
belongs to patient
in case of error - return 404 ('not found')
Check that declaration request status = NEW and channel PIS or APPROVED
in case of error - return 403 (' Only declaration request with NEW or APPROVED statuses can be rejected')
Service logic
Update declaration request in il.declaration_requests table:
set status = 'REJECTED'
set status_reason patient_reject (value of DECLARATION_REQUEST_STATUS_REASON) according to status model (where the channel of action PIS and status REJECTED)
updated_at: current date time
updated_by: user from token
Add new status to event manager
field | value |
| $.id |
| $.status |
| $.update_at |
| $.changed_by |
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ЕСОЗ - публічна документація