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RC_UNZR data synchronization for Person (DMS)
This job is designed for initial and further regular synchronization of Person's UNZR with the EIS MVS registry in order to check if this number is valid or not.
Value | Description | Example |
UNZR_PERSON_SYNCHRONIZATION_SCHEDULE | Cron parameter, represents start time of the UNZR data synchronization |
UNZR_PERSON_VALIDATION_PERIOD_DAYS | Represents period in days when the existing saved unzr_data should be validated in EIS MVS registry if it still valid. |
UNZR_PERSONS_SYNCHRONIZATION_BATCH_SIZE | Amount of persons processed by UNZR passport data synchronization job at once |
Data flow
Scheduller starts according to UNZR_PERSON_SYNCHRONIZATION_SCHEDULE cron parameter. It creates oban job that selects UNZR_PERSONS_SYNCHRONIZATION_BATCH_SIZE Persons that match to some filter parameters. For each the job receives Person data on input and returns the result of reconciliation with the MVS registry to output (details in “Step description” section below):
if UNZR is found - set verification status to VERIFIED along with verification reason AUTO. The unzr_data is saved and linked to the Person.
if UNZR is not found for the person - set verification status to NOT_VERIFIED and verification reason is set to AUTO. The unzr_data is not saved and not linked to the Person;
if person has no UNZR - set verification status to VERIFICATION_NOT_NEEDED and verification reason to INITIAL. Sync isn't performed, unzr_data is not saved and not linked to the Person;
if UNZR is incorrect - set verification status to NOT_VERIFIED and verification reason to INITIAL. In this case UNZR value will be cleared, sync isn't performed.
if technical error received - the verification status and reason doesn’t change. The unzr_data is not saved, Person is not updated;
Step description
Step 1. Get list of Persons
Get the list of active Persons (status=active, is_active=true) who meet the following criteria (using logical AND):
mpi.person_verifications.unzr_synced_at <= current_date - UNZR_PERSON_VALIDATION_PERIOD_DAYS OR unzr_synced_at is null
exclude persons who has unzr_verification_status = IN_REVIEW, NOT_VERIFIED, VERIFICATION_NOT_NEEDED
Order selected records in descending way by:
unzr_verification_status = VERIFICATION_NEEDED and unzr_verification_reason = ONLINE_TRIGGERED or MANUAL (should be at the top of the list)
Update person_verifications record by person_id:
unzr_verification_status = IN_REVIEW
unzr_verification_reason = AUTO
Step 1.1 Update Person
Invoke the Step If person_verifications.unzr_verification_status still IN_REVIEW
Make data pre-estimation for a synchronization:
If a person has no UNZR (persons.unzr is empty), then update person_verifications record by person_id:
unzr_data_id = null
unzr_data_status = null
unzr_synced_at = null
unzr_verification_status = VERIFICATION_NOT_NEEDED
unzr_verification_reason = INITIAL
unzr_unverified_at = null
If the person has UNZR, but it does not match a regex
, then:Update person_verifications record by person_id:
unzr_data_id = null
unzr_data_status = null
unzr_synced_at = null
unzr_verification_status = NOT_VERIFIED
unzr_verification_reason = INITIAL
unzr_unverified_at = current datetime
Update persons record by id:
unzr = null
Step 2. Call checkunzr
Check person’s UNZR - invoke RPC call with third-party “checkunzr“ service RC_MVS Trembita methods_EN (DMS warranty) | checkunzr using the following request params:
unzr - mpi.persons.unzr
family_name = mpi.persons.last_name
given_name = mpi.persons.first_name
patronymic_name = mpi.persons.second_name (skip if empty)
date_birth = mpi.persons.birth_date
Step 3. Create or update unzr_data
If Step 2 was successful and Status = 1
returned. Get record from mimir.unzr_data table by unzr:
if not found - create a record.
if found - updated the record.
Step 4. Update Person
Invoke the Step If person_verifications.unzr_verification_status still IN_REVIEW (because if changed to VERIFICATION_NEEDED+ONLINE_TRIGGERED, then its mean that person record has been changed while current sync with MVS performed)
After MVS record was stored in Step 3 - update persons record in MPI db:
Update person_verifications record by person_id:
unzr_data_id = mimir.unzr_data.id
unzr_data_status = 1
unzr_synced_at = date and time when synchronization has been performed (current datetime)
unzr_verification_status = VERIFIED
unzr_verification_reason = AUTO
unzr_unverified_at = null
Step 4.1. Update another Persons
Invoke the Step If person_verifications.unzr_verification_status is not IN_REVIEW
If unzr_data has been changed at Step 3 and another active Persons linked to it (have the same unzr_data_id in person_verifications table), then compare person’s data with uznr_data: last_name, first_name, middle_name and date_birth. If these data are different, then update person_verification data for these persons:
unzr_data_id = null
unzr_data_status = null
unzr_synced_at = null
unzr_verification_status = VERIFICATION_NEEDED
unzr_verification_reason = ONLINE_TRIGGERED
unzr_unverified_at = null
Step 5. Update Person
Invoke the Step If person_verifications.unzr_verification_status still IN_REVIEW
If person’s UNZR hasn’t been found in the MVS register at Step 2 and we’ve received Status = 0
, then:
Update persons record:
unzr = null (if it is not null)
Update person_verifications record by person_id:
unzr_data_id = null
unzr_data_status = 0. The value according to the Status field in checkunzr response.
unzr_synced_at = date and time when synchronization has been performed (current datetime)
unzr_verification_status = NOT_VERIFIED
unzr_verification_reason = AUTO
unzr_unverified_at = current datetime
Step 6. Technical error returned
If technical error: checkunzr response with Status = -1, -2
, internal error, timeout, etc. returned from Step 2 - the Person is considered unprocessed.
If person_verifications.unzr_verification_status still IN_REVIEW:
rollback to the previous unzr_verification_status and unzr_verification_reason (that was before IN_REVIEW set in Step 2)
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