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RC_[NEW] Dictionaries configurations
Dictionary configuration specifies a set of dictionaries and, optionally, specific codes from the dictionary, intended for use in a particular context.
Data Model
Name | Type | M/O |
Description and constraints |
id | uuid | M | Dictionary configuration id |
name | string | M | Dictionary configuration name |
content | json | M | JSON that contains list of dictionaries and, optionally, specific codes, that are allowed to use by this configuration |
inserted_at | datetime | M |
updated_at | datetime | M |
inserted_by | uuid | M |
updated_by | uuid | M |
Dictionary configuration content structure
Name | Type | M/O |
Description and constraints |
system | string | M | Dictionary name |
codes | [string] | O | Array of codes from the dictionary |
Content for prescribable_device_codes:
"system": "assistive_devices"
"system": "device_definition_classification_type"
"system": "emdn",
"codes": [
Content for assistive_devices:
"system": "assistive_devices"
"system": "emdn",
"codes": [
Validation logic
In parameters: configuration_name, code_value, code_system
Select dictionary configuration where name=
from PRMFind
in content.[].systemin case
is not in the array return false
If there is content.[].codes specified for this element
Check that
is in content.[].codes where content.[].system=code_system
in case
is not in the array return false
Return true
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ЕСОЗ - публічна документація