ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
Preperson Data Model
- 1 Scema
- 2 Table Description
- 2.1 prepersons
Prepersons stores in separate table - MPI.prepersons
Table Description
| Name | Type | M/O | Description and constraints |
1 | id | uuid | M | Identifier of preperson (PK). Authogenerated |
2 | first_name | varchar(50) | O |
3 | second_name | varchar(50) | O |
4 | last_name | varchar(50) | O |
5 | birth_date | date | O |
6 | gender | varchar(10) | O | Gender. Enum: MALE, FEMALE |
7 | emergency_contact | jsonb | O |
8 | external_id | varchar(255) | M | External identifier of preperson in MIS. |
9 | note | varchar(1000) | O | Notes |
10 | status | varchar(10) | M | Status of the preperson. Allowed statuses:
By default is active |
11 | death_date | date | O | Prepersons death date. By default is null |
12 | is_active | bool | M | Technical flag. By default is true |
13 | inserted_at | timestamp | M | Insert date and time |
14 | inserted_by | uuid | M | User id who inserted the entry |
15 | updated_at | timestamp | M | Update date and time |
16 | updated_by | uuid | M | User id who updated the entry |
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ЕСОЗ - публічна документація