Auto termination of preperson

ЕСОЗ - публічна документація

Auto termination of preperson


Automatically deactivate prepersons to prevent fraud if they doesn’t have appropriate set of medical events.

Job logic

  1. Job starts once according configured parameter PREPERSON_DEACTIVATION_SCHEDULE.

  2. After starting it gets value from config DAYS_FOR_PREPERSON_VERIFICATION.

  3. Select all entries from mpi.prepersons with status=active and verified is false:

    1. if preperson has Observation.codes = height and weight and sex and Observation.status = valid:

      • set verified = true

      • set updated_at = current_datetime()

      • set updated_by = system_user()

    2. else if preperson has no required set of medical events:

      1. if inseted_at < current_date() - DAYS_FOR_PREPERSON_VERIFICATION

        • set status = inactive

        • set updated_at = current_datetime()

        • set updated_by = system_user()

      2. else if inserted_at >= current_date() - DAYS_FOR_PREPERSON_VERIFICATION, then skip the preperson.

ЕСОЗ - публічна документація