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[DRAFT] REST API Create/Update Person Request [API-010-001-005-0375]
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- 1 Properties of a REST API method document
- 2 Purpose
- 3 Logic
- 4 Configuration parameters
- 4.1 cURL example
- 5 Dictionaries
- 6 Input parameters
- 7 Request structure
- 8 Headers
- 9 Request data validation
- 10 Processing
- 10.1 Generate upload URL
- 10.2 Generate verification code
- 10.2.1 cURL example
- 11 Response structure examples
- 12 Update person request
- 13 Authorize
- 14 Request data validation
- 15 Processing
- 15.1 Generate upload URL
- 15.2 Generate verification code
- 15.2.1 cURL example
- 16 HTTP status codes
- 17 Post-processing processes
- 18 Technical modules where the method is used
Properties of a REST API method document
Document type | Метод REST API |
Document title | [DRAFT] REST API Create/Update Person Request [API-010-001-005-0375] |
Guideline ID | GUI-0011 |
Author | @ |
Document version | 1 |
Document status | DRAFT |
Date of creation | ХХ.ХХ.ХХХХ (дата фінальної версії документа – RC або PROD) |
Date of update | ХХ.ХХ.ХХХХ (дата зміни версії) |
Method API ID | API-010-001-005-0375 |
Microservices (namespace) | MPI |
Component | Master Patient Index |
Component ID | COM-010-001 |
Link на API-специфікацію | |
Resource |
Scope | person_request:write |
Protocol type | REST |
Request type | POST |
Sync/Async | Sync |
Public/Private | Public |
This method is designed to create or update Person Request (as part of the process of creating a Person without a Declaration)
Patient creation request statuses
Configuration parameters
Invoke Global parameters to get following parameters:
Check if in table person_authentication_methods with type = OTP
> N, then error 422, such a phone already exists more N times
In table person_auth_methods with type = third_person > N, then error 422
person_request_expiration and person_request_term_unit
cURL example
curl -X GET \
Input parameters
Input parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Example | |
1 | composition_id | M | String ($uuid) (path) | Composition object ID | 89678f60-4cdc-4fe3-ae83-e8b3ebd35c59 |
2 |
Request structure
See on API-specification
Verify the validity of access token
Return (401, 'Invalid access token') in case of validation fails
Verify that token is not expired
in case of error - return (401, 'Invalid access token')
Check user scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'person_request:write')
Return (403, 'Your scope does not allow to access this resource. Missing allowances: person_request:write') in case of invalid scope(s)
validate client_id belongs to legal_entity with type in ('MSP', 'OUTPATIENT', 'EMERGENCY', 'PRIMARY_CARE')
Return (401, 'Invalid legal entity type') in case of validation fails
If BLOCK_UNVERIFIED_PARTY_USERS is true, then check party's data match following condition: verification_status != NOT_VERIFIED or (verification_status = NOT_VERIFIED and updated_at <= current_date - UNVERIFIED_PARTY_PERIOD_DAYS_ALLOWED):
in case not match - return 403 ("Access denied. Party is not verified")
If BLOCK_DECEASED_PARTY_USERS is true, check that party is not deceased (party_verification record does not equal to: dracs_death_verification_status = VERIFIED and dracs_death_verification_reason = MANUAL_CONFIRMED):
in case of error - return 403 ("Access denied. Party is deceased")
validate user belongs to employee with type in "Doctor, Specialist, Receptionist, Assistant"
in case error return 409
Request data validation
Validate request
Validate request using JSON schema
Check presence of extra parameters
In case of error - return 422 ('schema does not allow additional properties')
Check presence of required parameters
In case of error - return 422 ('required property %{property} was not present')
Validate confidant person
Verify that person age < prm.global_parameters.no_self_auth_age check existence of confidant_person
Return (422, 'Confidant person is mandatory for children') in case of validation fails
Validate confidant person age >= prm.global_parameters.no_self_auth_age
Return (422, 'Incorrect person age for such an action') in case of validation fails
Validate "tax_id"
tax_id has validation pattern - `^[0-9]{10}$`
if doesn't match, return error 422 "string does not match pattern ..."
Check "no_tax_id" flag
If "no_tax_id"= true, tax_id field should be empty, in case error return 422
If "no_tax_id"=false and age>14, tax_id should be present, in case error return 422
Check "patient_signed" flag
If "patient_signed" is not present in request, return 422 ("required property patient_signed was not present")
If "patient_signed"=true in request, return 422 ("value is not allowed in enum")
Validate person documents
issued_at, issued_by is mandatory for documents
Validate dates
issued_at <= now() and issued_at => birth_date
in case `issued_at > now()` show error 422, "Document issued date should be in the past"
in case `issued_at < person.birth_date` show error 422, "Document issued date should greater than person.birth_date "
expiration_date > now()
in case error show 422, "Document expiration_date should be in future"
expiration_date is mandatory for document_type
in case error return 422, "expiration_date is mandatory for document_type $.documents.type"
Validate documents_type.number according to json schema
PASSPORT - `^((?![ЫЪЭЁ])([А-ЯҐЇІЄ])){2}[0-9]{6}$`
NATIONAL_ID - `^[0-9]{9}$`
BIRTH_CERTIFICATE - `^((?![ЫЪЭЁыъэё@%&$^#`~:,.*|}{?!])[A-ZА-ЯҐЇІЄ0-9№\\/()-]){2,25}$`
REFUGEE_CERTIFICATE - `^((?![ЫЪЭЁ])([А-ЯҐЇІЄ])){2}[0-9]{6}$`
TEMPORARY_CERTIFICATE - `^(((?![ЫЪЭЁ])([А-ЯҐЇІЄ])){2}[0-9]{4,6}|[0-9]{9}|((?![ЫЪЭЁ])([А-ЯҐЇІЄ])){2}[0-9]{5}\\/[0-9]{5})$`
TEMPORARY_PASSPORT - `^((?![ЫЪЭЁыъэё@%&$^#`~:,.*|}{?!])[A-ZА-ЯҐЇІЄ0-9№\\/()-]){2,25}$`
if unzr exists and is not null, check pattern match
in case error return 422, msg 'string does not match pattern \"%{pattern}\"'
if documents.type=NATIONAL_ID
check if unzr exists in request, in case error return 422, msg "unzr is mandatory for document type NATIONAL_ID"
Document numbersmaxLength < 25
Search pending person requests
Search persons request in IL_DB.person_requests to prevent requests duplication:
WHERE IL_DB.person_requests.data.person.tax_id = :($.person_requests.person.tax_id)
AND IL_DB.person_requests.data.person.documents.number = :($.person_requests.person.documents.number)
AND IL_DB.person_requests.status IN ('NEW', 'APPROVED')
if tax_id is null
WHERE IL_DB.person_requests.data.person.documents.number = :($.person_requests.person.documents.number)
AND IL_DB.person_requests.data.person.first_name = :($.person_requests.person.first_name)
AND IL_DB.person_requests.data.person.last_name = :($.person_requests.person.last_name)
AND IL_DB.person_requests.status IN ('NEW', 'APPROVED')
Cancel person request
Change status of all found person requests:
SET IL_DB.person_requests.status = 'CANCELED'
WHERE IL_DB.person_requests.id IN (:LIST)
Search pending declaration requests
Search declarations in IL_DB.declaration_requests to prevent requests duplication:
if tax_id is not null
WHERE IL_DB.declaration_requests.data.person.tax_id = :($.person_requests.person.tax_id)
AND IL_DB.declaration_requests.status IN ('NEW', 'APPROVED')
if tax_id is null
WHERE IL_DB.declaration_requests.data.person.documents.number = :($.person_requests.person.documents.number)
AND IL_DB.declaration_requests.status IN ('NEW', 'APPROVED')
If found declaration request - don't create person request. Return error "This person already has a declaration request"
Search person
We are looking for a person to prevent duplication of a person:
We create pairs of new person with people from clusters(tax_id, phone_number and number of the document) and send to the model.
in case deduplication model gave score < PERSON_ONLINE_DEDUPLICATION_MATCH_SCORE, create new person
else return error 409, "such person exists. Update this person.
Validate phone number limit
USE_PHONE_NUMBER_AUTH_LIMIT is a flag in ehealth.charts that shows whether we count phones or not.
in case person is found, person_id will be saved to person_request, and person has the same authentication_methods.phone_number, we do not count phone numbers and do not compare the phone number with global_parameters.phone_number_auth_limit. So that we can update person, but still can not use phone over limit.
In case person is not found
Check if (SELECT count(*) from persons where authentication_methods::json->0->>'phone_number'='$.phone_number' and persons.status='active' and is_active=true)<global_parameters.phone_number_auth_limit
in case error return 422, msg "This phone number is present more then $.global_parameters.phone_number_auth_limit times in the system"
Validate person authentication methods/phone
If person <prm.global_parameters.no_self_auth_age years, then person.auth_methods.type =
. Validate that third_person has auth method.type = OTPif third_person.auth_method.type = OFFLINE - error `THIRD PERSON can't have OFFLINE self auth method type`
if third_person.auth_method.type doesn't have active auth method - error `THIRD PERSON doesn't have active valid authentication methods`
If third person >= prm.global_parameters.no_self_auth_age years
in case error return 422, msg "Incorrect person age for such an action"
Person.auth_methods.type = third_persont.id. But on get Person request
or Person
display third_person.auth_method.phone_number.
If person > prm.global_parameters.no_self_auth_age and he must have one of auth.method.type (OTP OR OFFLINE). Also person may use new endpoint
Append auth methods
to add additional auth_methods.type =third_person.
Don't validate auth_method.phone_number exists in verification.verified_phone.
Save person request
Insert record to IL.person_requests in status 'NEW'
Generate upload URL
Depending on the payload system generates list of signed urls for document scan-copies upload.
Signed URLs to be expired after some period of time (configurable `SECRETS_TTL`). If it has been expired - new person request should be created.
Each link is generated for one one-page document in .pdf, .jpg, .png, .bmp format. Document should be no more than 20 MB. For each type of documents, if couple of rules worked - only one single link is generated.
Validate flag no_tax_id, if $.person_request.person.no_tax_id = true:
Generate URL with type person.no_tax_id
Validate if $.person_request.person.tax_id is not empty and $.person_request.person.no_tax_id = false then
If (GetBirthDateFromTaxId($.tax_id) != $.birth_date) or (GetGenderFromTaxId($.tax_id) != $.gender) or CheckValidity($.tax_id) = false (i.e. invalid checksum) then
Generate URL with type person.tax_id
Validate block confidant person. If person.confidant is not null:
Generate URL's with type confidant_person.{confidant_person.type}.{$.person_request.person.confidant_person.[:].documents_relationship.[:].type}
Generate URL's with type confidant_person.{confidant_person.type}.{$.person_request.person.confidant_person.[:].documents_person.[:].type}
Validate block of person documents. If one of the documents has document.type = BIRTH_CERTIFICATE_FOREIGN and there is no same document in {$.person_request.person.confidant_person.[:].documents_relationship.[:]}
and age < no_self_auth_age then
Generate URL with type person.{$.person_request.person.documents.[with type BIRTH_CERTIFICATE_FOREIGN].type}
Validate block of person documents. If one of the documents has document.type = PERMANENT_RESIDENCE_PERMIT and age >= no_self_auth_age then
Generate URL with type person.{$.person_request.person.documents.[with type PERMANENT_RESIDENCE_PERMIT].type}
Validate authentication_method. If authentication method = OFFLINE or third_person (and this third_person.auth_method = OFFLINE) -
Generate URL's with type person.{$.person_request.person.documents.[:].type} (or Generate URL's with type third_person.{$.third_person.documents.[:].type})
Validate unzr. If $.person_request.person.unzr is not empty and first 8 digits of $.person_request.person.unzr != $.person_request.person.birth_date then
Generate URL with type person.{$.person_request.person.unzr}
Invoke Media Content Storage to generate upload URL for each document obtained by executing logic above
IL.person_request.documents structure:
"url": "https://storage.googleapis.com/..."
Save documents to DB.
Generate verification code
Invoke Initialize OTP to generate one time password and send it to client number. At this stage, the person receives an SMS message to confirm this phone and the consent to create a person.
Phone_number: ILperson_request.authentication_method_current.$.authentication_number
cURL example
curl -X POST \
http://localhost:4000/verifications \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"phone_number": "+380936235985"
Response structure examples
See on API-specification
Update person request
To update the data of an existing person use an endpoint `Create/Update person request`.
It is necessary to transfer the same json as when creating person, only to transfer the id of an existing person and do not transfer the block with the authentication methods.
If person.id
is in request then
validate person.id is UUID
in case error return 422
search person by person.id in MPI
in case error return 422, "such person doesn't exist"
search persons in mpi (Пошук персон. Версія 3)
validate person be deduplication model (if score > PERSON_ONLINE_DEDUPLICATION_UPDATE_SCORE, then add mpi_id to person request)
else return error 409, "Such person can't be updated. New person should be created instead"
Update person’s data with empty value of the second name is possible by setting second_name = null
Verify the validity of access token
Check user scope person_request:write in order to perform this action
Request data validation
Validate request
Validate request using JSON schema
Validate documents, confidant_person, flag no_tax_id
Validate documents, flag `no_tax_id`, confidant_person as on Create person request
Validate authorize_with
The person can pass the id of his auth_method which he wants to confirm the update of the request. The necessary auth method can be found by making Get person's auth methods
validate auth_method.id is UUID
in case error return 422
search auth method in MPI.person_authentication_method
in case error return 422, "such authentication method doesn't exist"
search auth method of this person where MPI.person_authentication_method.person_id = $.person.id
in case error return 422, "such authentication method does not belong to this person"
validate that auth_method.type = NA
in case error return 422, "Сannot be confirmed by a method with type= NA. Use a different method."
validate that this method is active ( authentication_method.ended_at > now() and is_active = true)
This field is optional and set in il.person_reques.authentication_method_current.
If person request doesn't have this field, then choose that method which is returned from mpi as person's default method
Save person request
Insert record to IL.person_request in status 'NEW'. Person_id from request save in field mpi_id
in IL.person_request
Search pending person requests
Search persons request in IL_DB.person_requests to prevent requests duplication:
WHERE IL_DB.person_requests.data.person.id = :($.person_requests.person.id)
AND IL_DB.person_requests.status IN ('NEW', 'APPROVED')
Cancel person requests
Change status of all found person requests:
SET IL_DB.person_requests.status = 'CANCELED'
WHERE IL_DB.person_requests.id IN (:LIST)
Validate parameters
Person can't update tax_id. (He can update tax_id from null to tax_id or from null to null).
Also person can update birth_date if it validates with tax_id.
Validate auth_method_current
Set default auth method of person on IL.auth_method_request.auth_method_current - use function in mpi, that return default auth method
Validate that auth_method_current !=NA
Generate upload URL
Depending on the payload system generates list of signed urls for document scan-copies upload.
Signed URLs to be expired after some period of time (configurable `SECRETS_TTL`). If it has been expired - new person request should be created.
Each link is generated for one one-page document in jpeg format. Document should be no more than 10MB. For each type of documents only one single link is generated.
Validate flag no_tax_id, if $.person_request.person.no_tax_id = true:
Generate URL with type person.no_tax_id
Validate if $.person_request.person.tax_id is not empty and $.person_request.person.no_tax_id = false then
If (GetBirthDateFromTaxId($.tax_id) != $.birth_date) or (GetGenderFromTaxId($.tax_id) != $.gender) or CheckValidity($.tax_id) = false (i.e. invalid checksum) then
Generate URL with type person.tax_id
Validate block confidant person. If person.confidant is not null:
Generate URLs with type confidant_person.{confidant_person.type}.{$.person_request.person.confidant_person.[:].documents_relationship.[:].type}
Generate URLs with type confidant_person.{confidant_person.type}.{$.person_request.person.confidant_person.[:].documents_person.[:].type}
Validate block of person documents. If one of the documents has document.type = BIRTH_CERTIFICATE_FOREIGN and there is no same document in {$.person_request.person.confidant_person.[:].documents_relationship.[:]}
and age < no_self_auth_age then
Generate URL with type person.{$.person_request.person.documents.[with type BIRTH_CERTIFICATE_FOREIGN].type}
Validate block of person documents. If one of the documents has document.type = PERMANENT_RESIDENCE_PERMIT and age >= no_self_auth_age then
Generate URL with type person.{$.person_request.person.documents.[with type PERMANENT_RESIDENCE_PERMIT].type}
Validate authentication_method. If authentication method = OFFLINE or third_person (and this third_person.auth_method = OFFLINE) -
Generate URLs with type person.{$.person_request.person.documents.[:].type} (or Generate URL's with type third_person.{$.third_person.documents.[:].type})
Validate unzr. If $.person_request.person.unzr is not empty and first 8 digits of $.person_request.person.unzr != $.person_request.person.birth_date then
Generate URL with type person.{$.person_request.person.unzr}
"url": "https://storage.googleapis.com/..."
Save documents to DB.
Generate verification code
Invoke Initialize OTP to generate one time password and send it to client number. At this stage, the person receives an SMS message to confirm updating a person's data.
Phone_number: MPI.person_authentication_method where person_id = $person_request.persin_id and is_primary = True
cURL example
curl -X POST \
http://localhost:4000/verifications \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"phone_number": "+380958697084"
HTTP status codes
Response code | HTTP Status code | Message | Internal name | Description | |
1 | Базові | ||||
2 |
| 201 | Response |
3 |
| 401 | Invalid access token |
4 |
| 401 | Invalid legal entity type |
5 |
| 403 | Access denied. Party is not verified |
6 |
| 403 | Your scope does not allow to access this resource. Missing allowances: person_request:write |
7 |
| 409 | Invalid legal entity type |
8 |
| 409 | Such person can't be updated. Deduplication update score is lower than system value (less changes should be made) |
9 |
| 409 | Such person exists. Update this person |
10 |
| 422 | Confidant person is mandatory for children |
11 |
| 422 | Cannot be confirmed by a method with type= NA. Use a different method. |
12 |
| 422 | Document expiration_date should be in future |
13 |
| 422 | Document issued date should be in the past |
14 |
| 422 | Document issued date should greater than person.birth_date |
15 |
| 422 | Expiration_date is mandatory for document_type $.documents.type |
16 |
| 422 | Incorrect person age for such an action |
17 |
| 422 | Required property %{property} was not present |
18 |
| 422 | Required property patient_signed was not present |
19 |
| 422 | Schema does not allow additional properties |
20 |
| 422 | String does not match pattern ... |
21 |
| 422 | Such person doesn't exist |
22 |
| 422 | Such a phone already exists more N times |
23 |
| 422 | Such authentication method doesn't exist |
24 |
| 422 | Such authentication method does not belong to this person |
25 |
| 422 | This phone number is present more then $.global_parameters.phone_number_auth_limit times in the system |
26 |
| 422 | Unverified phone number |
27 |
| 422 | Unzr is mandatory for document type NATIONAL_ID |
28 |
| 422 | Unzr or birthdate are not correct |
29 |
| 422 | Value is not allowed in enum |
30 | Специфічні | ||||
31 |
| 422 | Only for active MPI record can be created medication request! |
Post-processing processes
Description of actions performed on data after processing
Technical modules where the method is used
List of pages describing technical modules where the method is used
Название | ID ТМ | Статус |
TM0112 |
| |
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