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[DRAFT] REST API Patch patients composition [API-006-001-001-0210]
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- 1 Properties of a REST API method document
- 2 Purpose
- 3 Logic
- 3.1 Precondition:
- 4 Configuration parameters
- 5 Dictionaries
- 6 Input parameters
- 7 Request structure
- 8 Headers
- 9 Request data validation
- 9.1 Authorize
- 10 Validation data request
- 11 Processing
- 12 Response structure examples
- 13 HTTP status codes
- 14 Post-processing processes
- 15 Technical modules where the method is used
Properties of a REST API method document
Document type | Метод REST API |
Document title | [DRAFT] REST API Patch patients composition [API-006-001-001-0210] |
Guideline ID | GUI-0011 |
Author | @ |
Document version | 1 |
Document status | DRAFT |
Date of creation | ХХ.ХХ.ХХХХ (дата фінальної версії документа – RC або PROD) |
Date of update | ХХ.ХХ.ХХХХ (дата зміни версії) |
Method API ID | API-006-001-001-0210 |
Microservices (namespace) | MC |
Component | Compositions |
Component ID | COM-006-001 |
Link на API-специфікацію | |
Resource | {{host}}/patients/composition/{{compositionId}}/erln |
Scope | composition:create |
Protocol type | REST |
Request type | PATCH |
Sync/Async | Async |
Public/Private | Public |
This method allows to re-send the composition to ERLN (Electronic Register of temporary disability conclusions of the Pension Fund of Ukraine). Used only for the type of compositions - Тemporary Disability
Used in processes:
This method allows to re-send Тemporary Disability Composition to ERLN in cases when the previous attempt of ERLN registration was unsuccessful, the description of the error is available and if all checks is passed.
Composition status is “FINAL”
Previous attempt of ERLN registration was unsuccessful (“ERROR” integration status)
The description of the error is available (statusMessage isn’t empty)
Temporarily disabled person is identified in the System (section.focus.type.coding.code = person)
Configuration parameters
Input parameters
Input parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Example | |
1 | compositionId |
| String ($uuid) (path) | Composition object ID | 4fd87fa2-1beb-44ff-a7cc-c1759e1c6e9b |
2 |
Request structure
See on API-specification
Request data validation
Check user scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'composition:create')
return 401 (Unauthorized) in case of invalid scope(s)
Validation data request
Searching for the last scheduled ERLN task for this composition
In case of error (ERLN task not found) - return 404 ('Not Found')
Searching for the composition
In case of error (composition was not found) - return 404 ('Not Found')
Check the composition’s type
In case of error (composition’s type isn’t Тemporary Disability) - return 400 ('Bad Request')
Check the composition’s status
In case of error (composition’s status isn’t “FINAL”) - return 400 ('Bad Request')
Check the composition’s integration status
In case of error (composition’s integration status isn’t “ERROR”) - return 400 ('Bad Request')
Check the previous task status
In case of error (task status is still in progress) - return 400 ('Bad Request')
In case if all previous checks were passed the function creates a new call task into ERLN, and completes its work with code 200
Response structure examples
See on API-specification
HTTP status codes
Response code | HTTP Status code | Message | Internal name | Description | |
1 | Базові | ||||
2 |
| 200 | The request was successfully submitted for processing |
3 |
| 400 | Bad Request |
4 |
| 400 | This request is not allowed to be resubmitted (inappropriate status or type of request) |
5 |
| 404 | No conclusion found |
6 |
| 404 | Not Found |
7 | Специфічні | ||||
8 |
Post-processing processes
Technical modules where the method is used
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