ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
Medication request data model
FHIR description
eHealth description
Medication request request
Table name: medication_request_requests
Name | Type | M/O | Description and constraints | HL7 vs eHealth comparison result (v4.3.0) |
id | string | M | System identifier of the Medication request request | Doesn’t comply with FHIR |
data | jsonb | M | Signed data of the Medication request request | Doesn’t comply with FHIR |
request_number | varchar(255) | M | Human-readable Medication request number | Doesn’t comply with FHIR |
status | varchar(255) | M | Status of the Medication request request | Doesn’t comply with FHIR |
inserted_by | uuid | M | User identifier who created the Medication request request | Doesn’t comply with FHIR |
updated_by | uuid | M | User identifier who last updated the Medication request request | Doesn’t comply with FHIR |
inserted_at | timestamp | M | Datetime when Medication request request was created | Doesn’t comply with FHIR |
updated_at | timestamp | M | Datetime when Medication request request was updated | Doesn’t comply with FHIR |
verification_code | varchar(255) | O | Verification code for dispensing Medication request | Doesn’t comply with FHIR |
medication_request_id | uuid | M | Identifier on the Medication request | Doesn’t comply with FHIR |
data_employee_id | uuid | O | Extracted from data identifier on the employee created the Medication request request | Doesn’t comply with FHIR |
data_intent | varchar(255) | O | Extracted from data identifier on the employee created the Medication request request | Doesn’t comply with FHIR |
data_based_on_care_plan_id | uuid | O | Extracted from data identifier of the care plan based on Medication request request was created | Doesn’t comply with FHIR |
data_based_on_activity_id | uuid | O | Extracted from data identifier of the activity based on Medication request request was created | Doesn’t comply with FHIR |
data_context_id | uuid | O | Extracted from data identifier of the encounter based on Medication request request was created | Doesn’t comply with FHIR |
data_patient_id | uuid | O | Extracted from data identifier of the hashed person_id | Doesn’t comply with FHIR |
data_person_id | uuid | O | Extracted from data identifier of the person | Doesn’t comply with FHIR |
context_episode_id | uuid | O | Extracted from data identifier of the episode based on encounter was created | Doesn’t comply with FHIR |
data_legal_entity_id | uuid | O | Extracted from data identifier of the legal entity where issued Medication request request | Doesn’t comply with FHIR |
Medication request
Table name: medication_requests
Name | Type | M/O | Description and constraints | HL7 vs eHealth comparison result (v4.3.0) |
id | uuid | M | System identifier of the Medication request | Ok |
request_number | varchar(255) | M | Human-readable Medication request number | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
created_at | date | M | Creation date, which is determined by the external system | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
started_at | date | M | Start date of a treatment period, which is determined by the external system. Greater or equal to created_at, but not greater than (created_at + MEDICATION_REQUEST_REQUEST_EXTENDED_LIMIT_STARTED_AT_DAYS) | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
ended_at | date | M | End date of a treatment period, which is determined by the external system. Greater or equal to started_at. | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
dispense_valid_from | date | O | First day of dispense validity period, which is determined by the eHealth system | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
dispense_valid_to | date | O | Last day of dispense validity period, which is determined by the eHealth system | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
employee_id | uuid | M | Employee identifier who created the Medication request | Doesn't comply with FHIR (name, type) |
medication_id | uuid | M | Medication identifier (type=INNM_DOSAGE) | Doesn't comply with FHIR (name, type) |
medication_qty | numeric | M | Quantity of medication issued by the employee | Doesn't comply with FHIR (name, type) |
status | varchar(255) | M | Status of the Medication request | Ok |
is_active | boolean | M | Indication of the record of Medication request state in table | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
rejected_at | date | O | Date when Medication request was rejected | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
rejected_by | uuid | O | User identifier who rejected Medication request | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
reject_reason | varchar(255) | O | Text reason of rejecting Medication request | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
medication_request_requests_id | uuid | M | Request identifier based on was created Medication request | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
medical_program_id | uuid | O | Medical program identifier | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
inserted_by | uuid | O | User identifier who created the Medication request | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
updated_by | uuid | O | User identifier who last updated the Medication request | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
inserted_at | timestamp | M | Datetime when Medication request was created | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
updated_at | timestamp | M | Datetime when Medication request was updated | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
verification_code | varchar(255) | O | Verification code for dispensing Medication request | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
division_id | uuid | M | Division identifier where issued Medication request | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
legal_entity_id | uuid | M | Legal entity identifier where issued Medication request | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
intent | varchar(255) | M | Proposal of the Medication request | Ok |
category | varchar(255) | M | Type of medication usage | Ok |
context | jsonb | O | Encounter identifier based on Medication request was created | Ok |
dosage_instruction | [jsonb] | O | Information about how the medication should be taken | Ok |
reject_reason_code | varchar(255) | O | Reason of the Medication request status change on rejection. Fetches from a dictionary | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
is_blocked | boolean | O | Indication of blocking Medication request | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
block_reason | varchar(255) | O | Text reason of blocking Medication request (if is_blocked = true); text reason of unblocking Medication request (if is_blocked = false) | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
based_on | jsonb | O | Reference on Care plan and Activity | Ok |
based_on_care_plan_id | uuid | O | Extracted from based_on identifier on the care plan | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
based_on_activity_id | uuid | O | Extracted from based_on identifier on the activity | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
data_context_id | uuid | O | Encounter identifier based on Medication request was created | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
patient_id | varchar(64) | M | Hashed person_id | Doesn't comply with FHIR (name, type) |
person_id | uuid | O | Person identifier | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
context_episode_id | uuid | O | Episode identifier based on encounter was created | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
block_reason_code | varchar(255) | O | Reason of the Medication request blocking (if is_blocked = true); reason of the Medication request unblocking (if is_blocked = false). Fetches from a dictionary | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
container | jsonb | O | Extension of FHIR Medication Request. Doctor may specify requirements for primary package, which should be dispensed. | Ok (as extension) |
priority | varchar(255) | O | Indicates how quickly the Medication request should be addressed with respect to other requests. Fetches from a dictionary | Ok |
prior_prescription | jsonb | O | Reference on Medication request that is being replaced | Ok |
blocked_to | timestamp | O | The date and time until which the prescription is marked as blocked | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
blocked_by_legal_entity_id | uuid | O | Identifier of legal entity which blocked medication request | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
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