SMS timeout procedure

ЕСОЗ - публічна документація

SMS timeout procedure


This procedure is designed for using timeout in resending SMS flow.

Key Point

  • In order to remove expired attempts records are saved in Redis db with expire parameter.

Input Parameters

  • MAX_ATTEMPTS_COUNT - specifies the maximum number of retries before resend is rejected;

  • SEND_TIMEOUT -specifies a number of seconds to wait to retry sending after an error condition ;(attempts.count() >= MAX_ATTEMPTS_COUNT);

  • entity_name - i.e. “medication_request”;

  • entity_id - i.e. medication_request_id.


  1. Get array with all attempts which start with “{entity_name}:{entity_id}” from Redis db using script:

    [redis] KEYS $"{entity_name}:{entity_id}_*"
  2. Get attempts.count();

  3. If attempts.count() < MAX_ATTEMPTS_COUNT

    • generate attempt_id using structure: {entity_name}:{entity_id}_{datetime.now()},
      (i.e. "medication_request:b075f148-7f93-4fc2-b2ec-2d81b19a9b7_2022-12-22T10:30:45.255687")

    • save attempt to Redis db using attempt_id as key and datetime.now() as value using script:

      [redis] set attempt_id $"{datetime.now()}"
    • set timeout to attempt with SEND_TIMEOUT parameter using script:

      [redis] expire key SEND_TIMEOUT
    • return 200 (ok).20

  4. Else (attempts.count() >= MAX_ATTEMPTS_COUNT)

    • do not save attempt;

    • return error 429 ("Sending SMS timeout. Try later. Next attempt will be available at <attempts.oldest.value + SEND_TIMEOUT>").


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