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[DRAFT] REST API Create Composition Title [API-007-011-001-0471]
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- 1 Properties of a REST API method document
- 2 Purpose
- 3 Logic
- 3.1 Service logic
- 4 Configuration parameters
- 5 Dictionaries
- 6 Input parameters
- 7 Request structure
- 8 Headers
- 9 Request data validation
- 9.1 Validations
- 9.2 Authorization
- 10 Processing
- 11 Response structure examples
- 12 HTTP status codes
- 13 Post-processing processes
- 14 [Job] Deactivate requisition numbers
- 14.1 Purpose
- 14.2 Process configuration
- 14.3 Job logic
- 15 Technical modules where the method is used
Properties of a REST API method document
Document type | Метод REST API |
Document title | [DRAFT] REST API Create Composition Title [API-007-011-001-0471] |
Guideline ID | GUI-0011 |
Author | @Mariana Veremeieva (UA SoE eHealth) |
Document version | 1 |
Document status | DRAFT |
Date of creation | ХХ.ХХ.ХХХХ (дата фінальної версії документа – RC або PROD) |
Date of update | ХХ.ХХ.ХХХХ (дата зміни версії) |
Method API ID | API-007-011-001-0471 |
Microservices (namespace) | ME |
Component | Compositions_ME |
Component ID | COM-007-011 |
Link на API-специфікацію | |
Resource | {{host}}//api.ehealth.gov.ua/api/patients/patient_id/composition_title |
Scope | composition:create |
Protocol type | REST |
Request type | POST |
Sync/Async | Async |
Public/Private | Public |
This WS allows to create a unique requisition number that can be later used as a Composition title in Create Composition method. Generated requisition number is stored in ME database until it is expired.
Service logic
Generate requisition number using Human readable requisition number algorithm based on patient_id
Use prefix from configuration instead of first 4 symbols: {{composition_type}}
) If prefix can't be get from chart-parameters Return 500 errorCheck that there is no Composition in ME.Compositions collection with such title
if it already exists generate new requisition as it is described in Human readable requisition number | Solution section
Check that there is no record in ME.requisition_number with such requisition
if it already exists generate new requisition as it is described in Human readable requisition number | Solution section
Save generated title in ME.requisition_number
requisition_number = generated requisition
patient_id = patient id from the request
expiration_date = current datetime + COMPOSITION_TITLE_EXPIRATION_PERIOD (config parameter in ehealth.charts)
composition_type = composition_type from query parameters
Configuration parameters
Input parameters
Input parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Example | |
1 | composition_type | M | String | Composition type | ADOPTION |
2 | patient_id | M | String ($uuid) (path) | Unique patient identifier | 7075e0e2-6b57-47fd-aff7-324806efa7e5 |
Request structure
See on API-specification
Request data validation
Validate composition_type is
dictionaryin case of error - return 422 ('value is not allowed in enum')
Check that сomposition_type is NOT from COMPOSITION_TYPE_BLACK_LIST
Return 422 ("сomposition_type is not allowed by configuration") in case of error
Verify the validity of access token
in case of error - return 401 (“Invalid access token”) in case of validation fails
Verify that token is not expired
in case of error - return 401 (“Invalid access token”)
Check user scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'composition:create')
return 403 (“Your scope does not allow to access this resource. Missing allowances: composition:create”) in case of invalid scope
If BLOCK_UNVERIFIED_PARTY_USERS is true, then check party's data match following condition: verification_status != NOT_VERIFIED or (verification_status = NOT_VERIFIED and updated_at > current_date - UNVERIFIED_PARTY_PERIOD_DAYS_ALLOWED):
in case not match - return 403 ("Access denied. Party is not verified")
If BLOCK_DECEASED_PARTY_USERS is true, check that party is not deceased (party_verification record does not equal to: dracs_death_verification_status = VERIFIED and dracs_death_verification_reason = MANUAL_CONFIRMED):
in case of error - return 403 ("Access denied. Party is deceased")
Response structure examples
See on API-specification
HTTP status codes
Response code | HTTP Status code | Message | Internal name | Description | |
1 | Базові | ||||
2 |
| 401 | Invalid access token |
3 |
| 403 | Access denied. Party is not verified |
4 |
| 403 | Access denied. Party is deceased |
5 |
| 403 | Your scope does not allow to access this resource. Missing allowances: composition:create |
6 |
| 422 | сomposition_type is not allowed by configuration |
7 |
| 422 | value is not allowed in enum |
8 | Специфічні | ||||
9 |
Post-processing processes
[Job] Deactivate requisition numbers
This procedure (automatic schedule task) is designed to deactivate Requisition numbers when it became expired.
Process configuration
Name | Description | Format | Default value |
MEDICATION_DEACTIVATION_SCHEDULE | How often to perform this task | Cron Format | `0 24 * * *` |
Job logic
Delete records from ME.requisition_number, where:
end_date < current_date()
Write changes to audit log
Technical modules where the method is used
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