ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
DLS (ДЛС) - Ліцензійний реєстр аптечних закладів ДЛС
Release 1
DLS Registry is managed by NHS
DLS Registry must be updated in eHealth daily by NHS (DB inserts, DB updates)
eHealth processes DLS Replica daily to reflect division statuses
DLS Replica structure
Table: dls_registry
Parameter | Type | M/O | Description |
division_id | uuid | M | Division identifier in eHealth |
dls_id | varchar(20) | M | DLS identifier |
dls_status | varchar(50) | M | DLS status |
inserted_at | timestamp | M |
DLS Processor
Each record from DLS Replica must be processed
Find division in PRM using replica division_id
In case division by id not found - log error (including id) and skip this record
Update only divisions with type DRUGSTORE and DRUGSTORE_POINT
PRM.divisions | DLS.dls_registry |
dls_id | dls_id |
dls_status | dls_status |
DLS statuses
There are two DLS statuses: ACTIVE and INACTIVE. Status changes is managed by the NHS side and goes through such a process:
Initial status changed in DLS Registry by NHS side
The DLS registry is updated daily by the eHealth service (DB inserts, DB updates)
eHealth processes DLS Replica daily to reflect DLS statuses
From DLS registry statuses are replicated in PRM DB
Deactivate Medical Program Provision
In case division becomes not verified in DLS (dls_verified=false) (according to link)
If DISPENSE_DIVISION_DLS_VERIFY chart parameter is on:
deactivate related to the division all active medical program provision entities:
set is_active = false
set deactivate_reason = AUTO_DIVISION_DLS_NOT_VERIFIED
set updated_at, updated by
If DISPENSE_DIVISION_DLS_VERIFY is off, then skip this event
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ЕСОЗ - публічна документація