ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
02.06.2021 PreProd 8.21.6 Release MRIN+CSI(May)
MRIN-235 Error 500 "%FunctionClauseError{args: nil, arity: 2, clauses: nil, function: :compare, kind: nil, module: DateTime}" on Create Care Plan activity
MRIN-213 Поправити валідації на методах Cancel Care Plan activity та Complete Care Plan activity
CSI-131 me validators read optimizations
CSI-130 use ets in all me validators
CSI-129 Make the “manufacturer” field optional, all env.
CSI-128 Add missing fields to report/fraud replicas
CSI-127 split tables in logical replication
CSI-126 Get declaration by ID is returning incorrect list of keys in ‘person.pnones’ array, preProd
CSI-125 Clean me schemas cache on il pod restart
CSI-124 Update mithril.api repo on dev environment
CSI-113 Update repository mithril from bitbucket v2.
CSI-101 Error 500 "internal_error" on /reports/stats/divisions, PreProd
CSI-96 The filter "legal_entity_edrpou" does not work on /reports/stats/divisions, PreProd
CSI-94 Change of specialty for a doctor, all env.
CSI-93 PIS UI error, declaration request error, PreProd
CSI-92 PIS UI error, page flow, PreProd
CSI-91 PIS "DISMISSED" employee is present in the list, PreProd
CSI-90 PIS UI task, logo on declaration_requests, all env
CSI-48 Update repository mithril from bitbucket
API. Cancel Care Plan activity_EN
API. Complete Care plan activity_EN
Description from developers:
update scopes
change speciality for a doctor
clean me schemas cache on il pod restart
correct list of values for person.phones on Get Declaration by ID
add fields to report/fraud replicas
change speciality for a doctor
fix interactions between end_date of care plan and care plan activity
manufacturer field is optional on immunizations
use ets in all me validators
me validators read optimizations
change service request validation for complete/cancel activity
add fields to report/fraud replicas
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ЕСОЗ - публічна документація