This WS allows to get rule engine field set for Rule engine rules configurator in Administration panel.
Key points
This is a graphQl query method used in Administration panel only.
Only authenticated and authorized NHS employee with can get rule engine field set.
"Reads a single `RuleEngineFieldSet`." ruleEngineFieldSet: JSON
Service logic
Create response with following fields:
episode type period start end current_diagnoses code inserted_at updated_at encounter class type date hospitalization discharge_department re_admisson reasons actions inserted_at updated_at condition code verification_status clinical_status primary_source severity asserted_date onset_date body_sites inserted_at updated_at diagnostic_report code category primary_source issued conclusion_code effective effective_date_time effective_period start end inserted_at updated_at procedure category code primary_source outcome performed_date_time inserted_at updated_at observation categories code primary_source body_site interpretation value value_string value_date_time value_period value_quantity value_sampled_data value_boolean value_range value_codeable_concept value_ratio value_time effective effective_date_time effective_period start end issued method inserted_at updated_at patient age gender
Enrich response with possible comparators for each field set.
Render a response according to schema.