ARCHIVE_Cancel Diagnostic Report Package_EN (DRACS, DRFO)

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ARCHIVE_Cancel Diagnostic Report Package_EN (DRACS, DRFO)


This web service allows to cancel diagnostic report and observations, crated as a part of Diagnostic Report Data Package, in case they were entered in error.

Note : You have only one attempt to cancel each package via API. In case you signed and cancelled package partly and now you need to cancel more entities from this package - appeal to eHealth administrator.




Validate token

  • Verify the validity of access token

    • Return 401 in case validation fails

  • Verify token is not expired

    • in case error return 401 

Validate scopes

  • Check user scopes in order to perform this action (scope = 'diagnostic_report:cancel')

    1. Return 403 in case invalid scope(s)

Validate legal entity

  • Validate diagnostic_report belongs to the legal entity where the current user works

    • $.diagnostic_report.managing_organization==token.client_id

      • in case of error return 409 "User is not allowed to perform actions with an enity that belongs to another legal entity"

Validate patient

  • Validate patient is active

    •  ME.patient.status=="active"

      • in case of error return "Patient is not active"

Validate User

  • Extract user_id from token

  • Get list of APPROVED employees with this user_id in current Legal Entity

  • Check that for user one of the conditions is TRUE:

    • user has an employee that specified as author of the diagnostic report ($.diagnostic_report.recorded_by.identifier.value is in the list of APPROVED employees)

    • OR check that user has an employee which has approval granted by the patient with access_level:write for this diagnostic_report resource ($.approvals.granted_resources.identifier.value==$.diagnostic_report._id AND $.approvals.granted_to.identifier.value==PRM.employees.id AND $.approvals.access_level='write')

    • OR user has an employee has MED_ADMIN employee type

    • otherwise, return error 409  "Employee is not performer of diagnostic report, don't has approval or required employee type"

  • If BLOCK_UNVERIFIED_PARTY_USERS is true, then check party's data match following condition: verification_status != NOT_VERIFIED or (verification_status = NOT_VERIFIED and updated_at <= current_date - UNVERIFIED_PARTY_PERIOD_DAYS_ALLOWED):

    • in case not match - return 403 ("Access denied. Party is not verified")

Request validation

  1. Validate digital signature

    1. ds.drfo == PRM.parties.tax_id where (PRM.parties.id==PRM.employees.party_id

  2. Compare signed_content to previously created content

    1. select encounter, select * from observations where diagnostic_report.identifier.value=$.id and compare to signed_content (do not include statuses to comparation, cancellation_reason and  explanatory_letter )

      1. in case of inconsistencies return "Submitted signed content does not correspond to previously created content"

  3. Validate entities are not canceled yet (status!= "entered_in_error")

    1. in case of error "Invalid transition"

  4. Validate at least one entity in the request marked as "entered_in_error"

    1. in case of error "At least one entity should have status "entered_in_error""

Request processing

  1. Save signed_content to Media Storage

  2. Set status `entered_in_error` for objects, submitted with status `entered_in_error`

  3. Set cancellation_reason

  4. Set explanatory_letter 


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