ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
Medication Administration
SD+Validation | Comments | |
1 | id is sent validate condition_id is UUID validate that $.{collection}[*].id from the payload are all unique among themselves validate there is no entity with such id in the corresponding Medical events collection |
2 | subject is sent validate patient_id is UUID validate patient exists in DB validate patient is active and is_active=true |
3 | partOf is reference to procedure or medication_administration procedure or medication_administration is made for the same patient procedure or medication_administration is not in status `entered_in_error` |
4 | status is sent by dictionary eHealth/medication_administration_statuses |
5 | statusReason by dictionary eHealth/medication_administration_status_reasons |
6 | category is sent by dictionary eHealth/SNOMED/medication_administration_categories |
7 | medication |
8 | context |
9 | effectiveDateTime performed_date_time |
10 | performer |
11 | managing_organization |
12 | reasonReferences |
13 | request |
14 | note |
15 | dosage
ЕСОЗ - публічна документація