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Offline comparison of death acts with Parties_EN
This process fetches death acts data from mimir service and uses it for comparison with parties data.
Key points
This process uses cron parameter to configure its start time.
This process is performed in ehealth scheduler pod.
Value | Description | Example |
PARTIES_DRACS_DEATH_ACTS_COMPARE_SCHEDULE | Cron parameter, represents start time of offline comparison of death acts with parties process |
PARTIES_DRACS_DEATH_ACTS_COMPARE_BATCH_SIZE | Number of death acts that will be processed in one cycle of the process |
PARTY_DRACS_DEATH_ACT_FULL_MATCH_SCORE | Upper limit of comparison score for grey zone, lower limit of comparison score for white zone |
PARTY_DRACS_DEATH_ACT_PARTIAL_MATCH_SCORE | Upper limit of comparison score for black zone, lower limit of comparison score for grey zone |
Service logic
Step 1. Death acts list for comparison
Get list of death acts from that are ready to be compared to parties - perform RPC call to mimir service,
table, with following parameters:act_record_operation_name = ‘1' or '4’
parties_compare_status = ‘READY’
Sort obtained list in ascending order by
fieldLimit obtained list with DRACS_DEATH_ACTS_SELECT_BATCH_SIZE value
In case no death acts were fetched - end process.
Step 2. Data preparation and potential candidates select
Get death act from obtained list, update its status in dracs_death_acts table:
set parties_compare_status = ‘IN_PROCESS’
Prepare death act data for comparison process
perform regexp for each of the fields:
for name, surname and patronymic change:
[ --'] to ''
'є' to 'е'
'и' to 'і'
for sex change:
1 to MALE
everything else to
for doc_seizes.series_numb change:
[ /%#№ _-] to ''
for date_birth change mask from
for numident normalize value - check that it is 10 symbols, if not true - set null
Get parties with at least one active employee as candidates for comparison with death act from PRM db using following predicate blocks:
birth_date + last_name
In case no candidates were found, update death acts parties compare status, go to next death act in obtained list:
set parties_compare_status = ‘PROCESSED’
Step 3. Death act comparison process
Get party from obtained candidates list
Prepare parties data for comparison process accoding to Deduplication process NEW | DeduplicationprocessNEW Datacleaningandpreparation
Compare death act data with party data using logistic regression method, as implemented in Deduplication process:
For each variable field use separate calculation process based on the table below.
Calculate final comparison score between death act and party.
Variable | Description | parties | dracs death act |
d_first_name | levenshtein distance(first_name1, first_name2) | first_name | name |
d_last_name | levenshtein distance(last_name1, last_name2) | last_name | surname |
d_second_name | levenshtein distance(second_name1, second_name2) | second_name | patronymic |
d_documents_bin | min(levenshtein distance(document1, document2)) for any types of documents | documents.number | doc_seizes.series_numb |
docs_same_number_bin | min(same/not) number | documents.number | doc_seizes.series_numb |
birth_settlement_substr | min(position(birth_settlement_1 in birth_settlementt_2) and position(birth_settlement_2 in birth_settlementt_1) | - | birth_locality (if not null or birth_locality_type <> ‘Район’), else birth_district (if not null), else birth_region |
authentication_methods | same/not authentification OTP number flag | - | - |
residence_settlement_flag | same/not residence settlement flag | - | locality (if not null or locality_type <> ‘Район’), else district (if not null), else region |
d_tax_id | levenshtein distance(tax_id1, tax_id2) | tax_id | numident |
gender_flag | same/not gender | gender | sex |
twins_flag | distance last_name <=2, same birth_date, distance in document numbers between 1 and 2 | last_name, first_name, birth_date, documents.number | surname, name, date_birth, doc_seizes.series_numb |
Step 4. Verification candidates
Before performing this step, check that death act is still in parties_compare_status = 'IN_PROCESS'.
In case status is changed (death act was updated by other processes) - skip this step, go to next death act in obtained list (return to step 2).
Based on death act and party comparison score, there are two flows that can be performed:
white zone (comparison score is greater than PARTY_DRACS_DEATH_ACT_FULL_MATCH_SCORE value) or grey zone (comparison score is between PARTY_DRACS_DEATH_ACT_PARTIAL_MATCH_SCORE and PARTY_DRACS_DEATH_ACT_FULL_MATCH_SCORE values)
black zone (comparison score is less than PARTY_DRACS_DEATH_ACT_PARTIAL_MATCH_SCORE value)
Step 4.1. White or grey zone
White zone indicates that death act relates to party, therefore it can be stated that party highly likely is deceased and must be inspected by legal entity owners.
Grey zone indicates that death act possibly relates to party, therefore it can be stated that party may be deceased and must be inspected by legal entity owners.
Create verification candidate between death act and party in PRM db,
table, set values:id = autogenerate uuid
party_id = id of a party from
entity_id = id of death act from
entity_type = ‘dracs_death_act’
status = ‘NEW’
config = variables that were used in comparison process (p.3 of Step 3)
details = additional details of comparison process
score = logistic regression comparison score
inserted_at = now()
updated_at = now()
Update parties verification status in
table based on current dracs death verification status of party:in case dracs_death_verification_status = ‘NOT_VERIFIED’ - do not update parties dracs death verification status
in case dracs_death_verification_status = ‘VERIFICATION_NEEDED’ and dracs_death_verification_reason = ‘ONLINE_TRIGGERED’ - update parties dracs death verification status:
set dracs_death_verification_status = ‘NOT_VERIFIED’
set dracs_death_verification_reason = ‘AUTO_OFFLINE’
set updated_at = now()
set updated_by = system_user()
in case dracs_death_verification_status = ‘VERIFICATION_NEEDED’ and dracs_death_verification_reason = ‘INITIAL’ - update parties dracs death verification status:
set dracs_death_verification_status = ‘NOT_VERIFIED’
set dracs_death_verification_reason = ‘AUTO_OFFLINE’
set updated_at = now()
set updated_by = system_user()
in case dracs_death_verification_status = ‘VERIFIED’ - update parties dracs death verification status:
set dracs_death_verification_status = ‘NOT_VERIFIED’
set dracs_death_verification_reason = ‘AUTO_OFFLINE’
set updated_at = now()
set updated_by = system_user()
Step 4.2. Black zone
Black zone indicates that death act does not relate to party, therefore it can be stated that party highly likely is not deceased.
No further actions should be taken with party or verification candidates.
Step 5. Processed death act
When death act is fully compares with all candidates from list, change its status in
tableset parties_compare_status = ‘PROCESSED’
Go to next death act in obtained list (return to step 2)
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