ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
RCC_CSI-3205_[API] Submit Composition
SubjectValidator13. Inform Authorize with
Validate value in the field $.inform_with authorize_with, string, optional.
Check that authentication method with type = 'THIRD_PERSON' is submitted in $.authorize_with for person(Composition.subject) that must be authorized by confidant person using following logic:
persons age < no_self_registration_age global parameter;
persons age between no_self_registration_age and person_full_legal_capacity_age global parameters and person does not have document with type from PERSON_LEGAL_CAPACITY_DOCUMENT_TYPES config parameter;
persons age > person_full_legal_capacity_age global parameter and exists at least one active and approved confidant person relationship for person (using following process Check confidant person relationship with person_id = person_id from request - expected :ok, :approved response)
in case of error - return 422 ('Authentication method with type THIRD_PERSON must be submitted for this person')
Check that $.inform_with is a valid uuid
in case error - return 422 ('string does not match pattern') with uuid regexp
Check that authentication method exists in MPI database,
table (with is_active = true), belongs to the same patient as set in the create composition request, is active (ended_at > now() or ended_at is null) and type != NAin case error - return 422 ('Authentication method doesn't exist, is inactive or does not belong to this person')
Get value of
config parameter, if it is set totrue
- for authentication method with type = ‘THIRD_PERSON’ check that person from value is an approved confidant for a patient from create composition request – exists active and approved confidant person relationship between person from request and person_id from authentication method value (using following logic: Check confidant person relationship withperson_id
= person_id from request andconfidant_person_id
= value from auth method - expected:ok, :approved
response)in case of error - return 422 ('Authentication method doesn't exist, is inactive or does not belong to this person' 'Auth method is not active or confidant person relationship is invalid')
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