ЕСОЗ - публічна документація

RC_CSI-3326 CR-550 Qualify Medication request by ID


Validate division

  1. Validate division is active

    1. in case of error - return 409 ("Division is not active")

  2. Validate division belongs to user's legal entity

    1. in case of error - return 409 ("Division does not belong to user's legal entity")

  3. If the medical program has no setting skip_dispense_division_dls_verify or it is set in false/null validate:

    • Check $.division.dls_verify == true:

      • In case of error - return 409 "Invalid division dls status"

    else if skip_dispense_division_dls_verify = true, then skip license verification for the division

  4. Check division participates in submitted programs. Validate Provision for each Medical Program:

    1. If the medical program has no setting skip_contract_provision_verify or it is equal to false/null:

      1. if medical program in the request has funding_source one of NHS, LOCAL

        1. In case of error - return status=INVALID for a program, rejection_reason="Program was configured incorrectly. Either incorrect source of funding or option skip_contract_provision_verify"

      2. provision exist and active for the division:

        1. in case of error - return status=INVALID for a program, rejection_reason= "Division does not provide the medical program"

      3. if medical program in the request has funding_source = NHS:

        1. provision relates to the actual reimbursement contract: contract.start_date <= current_date <= contract.end_date, is_active = true, status = VERIFIED, contracts.type==reimbursement, contracts.contractor_legal_entity_id=token.client_id, contracts.medical_program_id==$.medical_program_id

          1. in case of error - return status=INVALID for a program, rejection_reason="Medical program provision is not related to any actual contract for the current date"

        2. contract is_suspended = false

          1. in case of error - return status=INVALID for a program, rejection_reason="Contract with number <contract_number> is suspended"

      4. if medical program in the request has funding_source = LOCAL, then check medical_program_provision.msp_legal_entity_id = medication_request.legal_entity_id

        1. in case of error - return status=INVALID for a program, rejection_reson = "Medical program can not be provided for the legal entity specified in the medication request"

    2. else if skip_contract_provision_verify = true, then skip provision verification for the medical program

  5. Get license_types_allowed parameter from settings of medical program from request $.medical_program_id:

    1. if it is exists and not empty, get list of all license types from parameter.
      Check that division has active healthcare services with following parameters:

      1. legal_entity_id = client_id from access token

      2. division_id = division_id from request

      3. status = 'ACTIVE'

      4. type=’SALE’

      5. licensed_healthcare_service.status = 'ACTIVE'

      6. healthcare_service.license_id is not null and licenses.type = value from license_types_allowed parameter

        1. in case of error - return status=INVALID for a program, rejection_reason = 'Division does not have active licenses to provide the medical program'

  6. Validate production license for division

    1. Get medical program from Medication request. Check if medical_program.id is in  MEDICATION_REQUEST_BLOCK_ALLOWED_PROGRAMS configuration parameter:

      1. If no - skip validation

      2. If yes - check that division from request has active healthcare service with following parameters:

        1. status = 'ACTIVE'

        2. type=’PRODUCTION’

        3. licensed_healthcare_service.status = 'ACTIVE'

          1. in case of error - return status=INVALID for a program, rejection_reason = 'Division does not have active license to produce medication'


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