RCC_OAUTH-213 PIS. Create Person authentication method request_EN

ЕСОЗ - публічна документація

RCC_OAUTH-213 PIS. Create Person authentication method request_EN


Check if Person should be sent for OTP verification

  • check the usage limit of this phone number in table person_authentication_methods  with ended_at іs empty or > now() & type = OTP > N

    1. in case of error - return 422 ('This phone number is present more than #{phone_number_auth_limit.limit} times in the system')

  • Get value of PIS_VALIDATE_ALL_PHONES config parameter

    • if it set to false - check that phone from authentication_methods field must be verified (number does not exists in verified_phones table in verifications database)

    • if it set to true - verified need to verify phone number by OTP



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