ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
RCC_(CR-431, CSI-2977) PIS. Create Declaration request
Check active patient requests
Do not create declaration request if there are active patient requests
Search for active person requests (
) by person_data_id (IL.person_requests.person_data_id
) where status in (NEW, APPROVED)If there is at least one active request - return 409 ('It is prohibited to create declaration request when there is unfinished person request')
Valide Document types
is in config parameter:if person age < prm.global_parameters.no_self_auth_age check existence DECLARATION_NO_SELF_AUTH_AGE_DOCUMENT_TYPES
in case error - return 422 ("For person <%{years}years declaration request can be create after added birth certificate”)
if person age > prm.global_parameters.no_self_auth_age check existence DECLARATION_SELF_AUTH_AGE_DOCUMENT_TYPES
in case error - return 422 ("Declaration request can’t be create for person with such document type, need one of %{document type from DECLARATION_SELF_AUTH_AGE_DOCUMENT_TYPES}”)
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ЕСОЗ - публічна документація