ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
RC_+CSI-3347_Update Program Medication (CSI-2140)
Apiary | |
JSON Schema request | SPECS |
JSON Schema response | specs |
This WS is design to update reimbursement and/or flags "is_active", "medication_request_allowed", "care_plan_activity_allowed" for Medication brand within Medical program.
WS logic
Verify the validity of access token
In case of error - generate 401 response
Check user scope (scope = 'program_medication:write') in order to perform this action
In case of error - generate 403 response
Verify the validity of access token
Check user scope (scope = 'program_medication:write') in order to perform this action
In case of error - generate 401 response
Validate request (JSON schema)
Validate request using JSON schemas:
Return 422 with list of validation errors in case validation fails (422 EView)
Validate PK Program Brands
Check participant (Program_medication) ($.id) exists in
In case of error - return 422 error (message: "ID for Medication brand within the Medical program is not found")
{:error, [{%{
description: "ID for Medication brand within the Medical program is not found",
params: [],
rule: :invalid
}, "$.id"}]}
Validate status
Validate `is_active` == TRUE
if invalid - return 409 eror (message: "Medication brand within the program is inactive")
Validate medical_request_allowed status and care_plan_activity_allowed
To deactivate Participant (to update is_active == FALSE for medication brand within the program with id={id}) medication_request_allowed and care_plan_activity_allowed must be inactive (medication_request_allowed == FALSE & care_plan_activity_allowed == FALSE)
Validate medication_request_allowed == FALSE & care_plan_activity_allowed == FALSE
if invalid - return 409 eror (message: "To deactivate medication brand within the program firstly disable medication_request_allowed and care_plan_activity_allowed")
Update Program medication
Update program_medication record by $.id set values:
Destination | Source | Description |
reimbursement | $.reimbursement |
wholesale_price | $wholesale_price |
consumer_price | $consumer_price |
daily_dosage | $daily_dosage |
reimbursement_daily_dosage | $reimbursement_daily_dosage |
estimated_payment_amount | $estimated_payment_amount |
is_active | $.is_active |
medication_request_allowed | $.medical_request_allowed |
care_plan_activity_allowed | $.care_plan_activity_allowed |
max_daily_dosage | $.max_daily_dosage | float. Max Daily dose of medication, limited by WHO. Can be NULL |
package_qty_divisible | $.package_qty_divisible | bool. Possible/Impossible to dispense part of packaging (multiple of |
inserted_at | :timestamp | Get current date-time |
inserted_by | user_id | Extract user from token |
updated_at | :timestamp | Get current date-time |
updated_by | user_id | Extract user from token |
ЕСОЗ - публічна документація