Invalid Tax Id management
ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
Invalid Tax Id management
NHS Admin can see all patients with invalid_tax_id=true on admin portal and ...
- admin can change "invalid_tax_id" flag - true/false
- admin can view person details with email, phone, address, confidant person details, active declaration
- Medication_request_request can't be done for a person with invalid_tax_id=true
- invalid_tax_id=true send notification to person's cabinet/phone/email
- can invalid_tax_id be active only for one person? - no, can't be for two active persons?
- if several persons have the same tax_id and one of them has invalid_tax_id=true, all persons are returned with "Get persons with invalid tax_id = true"
- admin can terminate declaration/deactivate MPI/auto-deactivation MPI?
UI Design
- add new page "invalid tax_id management"
- add filters tax_id, First_name, last_name
- group by tax_id
- add details page
- add "invalid_tax_id" flag, with possibility to change it
Get persons with "invalid tax_id" = true
- add new filter to GET \'https://dev.ehealth.world/api/persons?invalid_tax_id=true (for NHS Admin only)
- response group by tax_id
ЕСОЗ - публічна документація