# import Service from "services.graphql"
Fields to filter service group in the system.
input ServiceGroupFilter {
"Primary key identifier from the database."
databaseId: UUID
"Service group name."
name: String
"Service group code."
code: String
"Flag whether `Service group` is active or not?"
isActive: Boolean
"Applies conditions to object’s `parentGroup` field."
parentGroup: ServiceGroupFilter
Methods to use when ordering `ServicesGroup`.
enum ServiceGroupOrderBy {
"Orders by the object’s `code` field in the ascending order."
"Orders by the object’s `code` field in the descending order."
"Sort ServiceGroup by inserted_at in ascending order."
"Sort ServiceGroup by inserted_at in descending order."
"Sort Services by name in ascending order."
"Sort Services by name in descending order."
A connection to a list of `ServiceGroup` items.
type ServiceGroupConnection {
"Information to aid in pagination."
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"A list of nodes."
nodes: [ServiceGroup]
"A list of edges."
edges: [ServiceGroupEdge]
An edge in a connection of `ServiceGroup`.
type ServiceGroupEdge {
"The item at the end of the edge."
node: ServiceGroup!
"A cursor for use in pagination."
cursor: String!
Input for `createServiceGroup` mutation.
User must have scopes **service_catalog:write**
input CreateServiceGroupInput {
"Service group name"
name: String!
"Service group code"
code: String!
"Whether requesting service groups allowed for the `ServiceGroup` or not?"
requestAllowed: Boolean!
"Id of connected service group."
parentGroupId: ID
Return type for `createServiceGroup` mutation.
type CreateServiceGroupPayload {
"Created `Service Group`."
serviceGroup: ServiceGroup
Input for `deactivateServiceGroup` mutation.
User must have scopes **service_catalog:write**
input DeactivateServiceGroupInput {
"The ID of an object"
id: ID!
Return type for `deactivateServiceGroup` mutation.
type DeactivateServiceGroupPayload {
"Deactivated `ServiceGroup`."
serviceGroup: ServiceGroup
Input for `addServiceToGroup` mutation.
User must have scopes **service_catalog:write**
input AddServiceToGroupInput {
"Service Id"
serviceId: ID!
"Service group Id"
serviceGroupId: ID!
Return type for `addServiceToGroup` mutation.
type AddServiceToGroupPayload {
"Updated `Service Group`."
serviceGroup: ServiceGroup
Input for `updateServiceGroup` mutation.
User must have scopes **service_catalog:write**
input UpdateServiceGroupInput {
"The ID of an object"
id: ID!
"Whether requesting allowed for the `ServiceGroup` or not?"
requestAllowed: Boolean
Return type for `updateServiceGroup` mutation.
type UpdateServiceGroupPayload {
"Update `ServiceGroup`."
serviceGroup: ServiceGroup
Input for `deleteServiceFromGroup` mutation.
User must have scopes **service_catalog:write**
input DeleteServiceFromGroupInput {
"Service Id"
serviceId: ID!
"Service group Id"
serviceGroupId: ID!
Return type for `deleteServiceFromGroup` mutation.
type DeleteServiceFromGroupPayload {
"Updated `Service Group`."
serviceGroup: ServiceGroup
Service group that provided by legal entity. User must have a scope **service_catalog:read**
type ServiceGroup implements Node {
"The ID of an object"
id: ID!
"Primary key identifier from the database"
databaseId: UUID!
"Service group name"
name: String!
"Service group code"
code: String!
"Whether the `ServiceGroup` is active or not?"
isActive: Boolean!
"Parent service group"
parentGroup: ServiceGroup
"Reads through a set of associated `ServiceGroup`."
"A condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection."
filter: ServiceGroupFilter
"The method to use when ordering collection items."
orderBy: ServiceGroupOrderBy
"Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor."
after: String
"Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor."
before: String
"Only read the first _n_ values of the set."
first: Int
"Only read the last _n_ values of the set."
last: Int
): ServiceGroupConnection!
"Whether requesting service groups allowed for the `ServiceGroup` or not?"
requestAllowed: Boolean!
"Reads through a set of associated `ServiceGroup`."
"A condition to be used in determining which values should be returned by the collection."
filter: ServiceFilter
"The method to use when ordering collection items."
orderBy: ServiceOrderBy
"Read all values in the set after (below) this cursor."
after: String
"Read all values in the set before (above) this cursor."
before: String
"Only read the first _n_ values of the set."
first: Int
"Only read the last _n_ values of the set."
last: Int
): ServiceConnection!
"Date and time when record was inserted"
insertedAt: DateTime!
"Date and time when record was updated"
updatedAt: DateTime!
Feature: Deactivate service
Scenario: Successful deactivation
Given the following services exist:
| databaseId | isActive |
| "f17f96f5-d5be-4270-8940-a3fe0ddbcd7b" | true |
And my scope is "service_catalog:write"
And my client type is "NHS"
And my consumer ID is "46d29f1b-122c-40ae-a36b-be138fb9c987"
When I deactivate service where databaseId is "f17f96f5-d5be-4270-8940-a3fe0ddbcd7b"
Then no errors should be returned
And I should receive requested item
And the isActive of the requested item should be false
Scenario: Successful deactivate when active service group exist
Given the following services exist:
| databaseId | isActive |
| "f17f96f5-d5be-4270-8940-a3fe021aba14" | true |
And the following service group exist:
| databaseId | isActive |
| "ab1bad75-4ed2-4f5b-a695-a3fe0ddbcd7b" | true |
And the following service inclusions exist:
| serviceId | serviceGroupId |
| "f17f96f5-d5be-4270-8940-a3fe021aba14" | "ab1bad75-4ed2-4f5b-a695-a3fe0ddbcd7b" |
And my scope is "service_catalog:write"
And my client type is "NHS"
And my consumer ID is "46d29f1b-122c-40ae-a36b-be138fb9c987"
When I deactivate service where databaseId is "f17f96f5-d5be-4270-8940-a3fe021aba14"
And I should receive requested item
And the isActive of the requested item should be false
Scenario: Deactivate with incorrect scope
Given the following services exist:
| databaseId | isActive |
| "e6516e2e-aa11-4ed2-881f-9b0aa2ec9f66" | true |
And my scope is "service_catalog:read"
And my consumer ID is "46d29f1b-122c-40ae-a36b-be138fb9c987"
When I deactivate service where databaseId is "e6516e2e-aa11-4ed2-881f-9b0aa2ec9f66"
Then the "FORBIDDEN" error should be returned
And I should not receive requested item
Scenario: Deactivate with incorrect client
Given the following services exist:
| databaseId | isActive |
| "d41aa795-bfd6-4e87-be04-b2864d7fdc44" | true |
And my scope is "service_catalog:write"
And my client type is "MIS"
And my consumer ID is "46d29f1b-122c-40ae-a36b-be138fb9c987"
When I deactivate service where databaseId is "d41aa795-bfd6-4e87-be04-b2864d7fdc44"
Then the "FORBIDDEN" error should be returned
And I should not receive requested item
Scenario: Deactivate non-existent item
Given my scope is "service_catalog:write"
And my client type is "NHS"
And my consumer ID is "46d29f1b-122c-40ae-a36b-be138fb9c987"
When I deactivate service where databaseId is "2abef13c-7b4c-4c83-876f-a269ff816915"
Then the "NOT_FOUND" error should be returned
And I should not receive requested item
Scenario: Deactivate already deactivated service
Given the following services exist:
| databaseId | isActive |
| "ccfb1492-0f12-4365-bb6f-50939ef25319" | false |
And my scope is "service_catalog:write"
And my client type is "NHS"
And my client ID is "a1edf3a8-646c-2afa-f21d-2d52229f6f1f"
And my consumer ID is "c3aeae43-985b-4412-b8ff-15ddee5a47de"
When I deactivate service where databaseId is "ccfb1492-0f12-4365-bb6f-50939ef25319"
Then the "CONFLICT" error should be returned
And I should not receive requested item
API paragraph not found
Input parameters
Input parameter
Input parameter
Request structure
API paragraph not found
Check user scope (scope = 'service_catalog:write') in order to perform this action
In case error - generate 401 response
API paragraph not found
Request data validation
Validate Service/Service group
Check on existing Service/Service group record
Check exist Service/Service group by $.id.
if invalid - return 404 error (message: "Service/Service group is not found!")
Validate Service Group subgroup
When deactivate service group, check Service group don't have active subroup:
if invalid - return 422 error (message: "ServiceGroup should not have active subgroups")
Update Service/Service group
Update Service/Service group record by $.id set values: