ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
Determination of a default authentication method and return person's active auth_methods
A person can have an array of authentication methods.
To determine necessery the method of patient authentication, if person hasn’t active authentication_method - return null.
If person has active auth_method.type = OTP - select it, if it is not - select active auth_method.type =OFFLINE. And if there is no OTP or OFFLINE, select the one that is of the active auth method with type = third_person where type = OTP and the first one is added. Then the auth method isn’t found, select the first added active auth method.type =third person where third_person.auth_method.type = OFFLINE. If nothing is found, return null.
This method return person’s auth method. which person can use and one of this method has primary=True.
Example when adult person has selt auth_method = OTP and three auth_method with type = third_person (third_person_1 has auth_method.type = NA, third_person_2 has auth_method.type = OTP and third_person_3 has auth_method.type = OFFLINE ).
{ type : OTP,
phone_number : +380951111119,
is_primary : TRUE},
value : 6eaeea53-47ac-459a-bcd8-c90a36947de6,
reference: {
type = OTP,
phone_number : +380952222222}
is_primary : FALSE},
value : b8c6679d-0df2-4407-8c3e-3fe58fa32655,
reference: {
type = OFFLINE},
is_primary : FALSE}
So if person has third_person, then show info of the third_person’s auth_method where type = OTP or OFFLINE.
If person has auth_method.type = NA or third_preson.type = NA or person hasn’t active auth method - then don’t show this methods (if NA) and return NULL.
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