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[DRAFT] REST API Create authentication method request [API-010-001-001-0347]
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- 1 Properties of a REST API method document
- 2 Purpose
- 3 Logic
- 4 Configuration parameters
- 5 Dictionaries
- 6 Input parameters
- 7 Request structure
- 8 Headers
- 9 Request data validation
- 10 Processing
- 11 Response structure examples
- 12 HTTP status codes
- 13 Post-processing processes
- 14 Technical modules where the method is used
Properties of a REST API method document
Document type | Метод REST API |
Document title | [Document status] REST API [Назва методу] [ID методу] |
Guideline ID | GUI-0011 |
Author | @ |
Document version | 1 |
Document status | DRAFT |
Date of creation | ХХ.ХХ.ХХХХ (дата фінальної версії документа – RC або PROD) |
Date of update | ХХ.ХХ.ХХХХ (дата зміни версії) |
Method API ID | API-010-001-001-0347 |
Microservices (namespace) | MPI |
Component | Master Patient Index |
Component ID | COM-010-001 |
Link на API-специфікацію | |
Resource |
Scope | authentication_method_request:write |
Protocol type | REST |
Request type | POST |
Sync/Async | Sync |
Public/Private | Public |
This process describes adding an additional authentication method to an existing person, update authentication method and delete it.
Use GET person/{id}/ authentication_method to find authentication method' id of person.
Description of the working algorithm of the API method and the interaction of services with each other add Service logic (if necessary)
Configuration parameters
Variable | Values | Description |
phone_number_auth_limit |
| Check if in table person_authentication_methods with |
third_person_limit |
| In table person_auth_methods with type = |
third_person_term |
| parameter is used for calculation of ended_at data for authentication method type = THIRD_PERSON |
person_with_third_person_limit |
| In table person_auth_methods with type = THIRD_PERSON >N, then error 422 |
no_self_auth_age |
| In table person now()-birth_date <=N & person_auth_methods with type = |
cURL example
Provides a list of links to dictionaries that are available in Confluence
Input parameters
Input parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | Example | |
1 | id |
| String | Person identifier. Required |
2 |
Request structure
See on API-specification
Key | Value | Mandatory | Description | Example | |
1 | Content-Type | application/json |
| Тип контенту | Content-Type:application/json |
2 | Authorization | Bearer {access_token} |
| Перевірка користувача | Authorization:Bearer {access_token} |
3 | api-key | {secret} |
| Секретний ключ | api-key: {secret} |
Request data validation
Validate Patient
Get person_id from URL
Validate id:
Validate request
if action = deactivate
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"action": "deactivate",
"authentication_method": {
"id": "057413fb-2c2e-4f33-b2d6-433469212744"
if action = update
if action = insert
Search auth requests by person id
To prevent requests duplication search in il.auth_method_requests.person_id = $.person_id and il.authentication_method_requests.status = NEW, then
Change status of all found person requests:
Validate by actions
if action = deactivate
(where person_auth_method.id = $authentication_method.id), else return error 422“Only THIRD_PERSON authentication method type could be deactivated
"Check this auth_method is not primary & there are more than one authentication method for person:
in case of error return 422, “
You can't deactivate the last authentication method
Check if authentication_method_current != NA, else return error 422 “
Person can't be authorized with NA authentication method
"Validate that auth_method is active ( person_authentication_methods.ended_at > now())
in case error return
, “Authentication method isn’t active”
if action = update
validate authentication_methods.id belong to this person. Search auth method of this person where MPI.person_authentication_method.person_id = $.person.id
in case error return 422, "such authentication method does not belong to this person"
is required.Check if authentication_method_current != NA, else return error 422 “
Person can't be authorized with NA authentication method
if action = insert
if type = OTP ,
is required andvalue
shouldn’t be set. And fieldalias
is optional.validate that person.age >global_parameters.no_self_auth_age
validate that il.authentication_method_request.authentication_method.phone_number is in DB.VERIFICATION.VERIFIED_PHONES
if type = OFFLINE
shouldn’t be set . And fieldalias
is optional.validate that person.age > global_parameters.no_self_auth_age
auth_method_current != OFFLINE
error - "
Person already has auth method OFFLINE
auth_method_current = OTP ( if config AUTH_REQUEST_SECURITY_REDUCTION = false)
error -
Person cannot set OFFLINE auth method if person had OTP
if type = THIRD_PERSON
are requiredValidate value:
validate person.id is UUID
in case error return
search person by person.id in MPI
in case error return
, "such person doesn't exist"
search person by person.id in MPI and validate that is_active = true & status = active, else:
in case error return 422, "third person must be active"
search third_person.age > prm.global_parameters.no_self_auth_age years:
in case error return 422, "
Incorrect person age for such an action
validate third_person.auth_method != (MPI.person_auth_methods.ended_at <= now())
in case error return 422, "third person must has auth method OTP or OFFLINE"
with mpi.person_auth_method.phone_number where mpi.person_auth_method.person_id = auth_method_request.authentication_method.valueauth_method_current != null (null is set if MPI.person_auth_methods.ended_at <= now())
if config
= False - validate that third_person has self method = OTP, else:error
THIRD PERSON can't have OFFLINE self auth method type
validate if THIRD_PERSON != person, else return error 422
Person can't add himself as THIRD_PERSON
validate if person’s authentication method with type THIRD_PERSON with the same value, else return error 422
Such person id is already used in existing person's authorization methods
check if person have authentication method with type THIRD_PERSON less
times, else return error 422,Limit of authentication methods with THIRD_PERSON type is exhausted
Set auth_method_current
Set default auth method of person on IL.auth_method_request.auth_method_current - use function in mpi, that return primary auth method.
Validate that auth_method_current != null (null is set if MPI.person_auth_methods.ended_at <= now()) if
action = deactivate
action = update
action = insert and type= THIRD_PERSON and person.age>no_self_auth_method
else error - “
Person can't be authorized with NA authentication method
Generate verification code
If auth_method_requests.auth_method_current = OTP
Invoke Initialize OTP to generate one time password and send it where auth_method_requests.auth_method_current = OTP.
cURL example
Generate upload URL
If auth_method_requests.auth_method_current = OFFLINE
Generate URL's with type person.{$.person.documents.[:].type} (or Generate URL's with type third_person.{$.third_person.documents.[:].type})
If action = insert
and il.auth_method_request.authentication_method.type = OFFLINE:
Generate URL's with type person.{$.person.documents.[:].type}
Response structure examples
See on API-specification
HTTP status codes
Response code | HTTP Status code | Message | Internal name | Description | |
1 | Базові | ||||
2 |
| 201 | Response |
3 |
| 404 | Such person doesn't exist |
4 |
| 409 | Such person isn't active |
5 |
| 422 | Authentication method isn’t active |
6 |
| 422 | Incorrect person age for such an action |
7 |
| 422 | Limit of authentication methods with THIRD_PERSON type is exhausted |
8 |
| 422 | Only THIRD_PERSON authentication method type could be deactivated |
9 |
| 422 | Person can't add himself as THIRD_PERSON |
10 |
| 422 | Person can't be authorized with NA authentication method |
11 |
| 422 | Such a phone already exists more N times |
12 |
| 422 | Such authentication method does not belong to this person |
13 |
| 422 | Such person cannot have self authentication method |
14 |
| 422 | Such person id is already used in existing person's authorization methods |
15 |
| 422 | This fiduciary person is present more than N times in the system |
16 |
| 422 | Third person must be active |
17 |
| 422 | Third person must has auth method OTP or OFFLINE |
18 |
| 422 | Unverified phone number |
19 |
| 422 | You can't deactivate the last authentication method |
20 | Специфічні | ||||
21 |
Post-processing processes
Description of actions performed on data after processing
Technical modules where the method is used
List of pages describing technical modules where the method is used
Related content
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