HL7 comparison

ЕСОЗ - публічна документація

HL7 comparison

Entity & other comparison

1. Difference kinds of organization


"Organisation"."type" : [{ CodeableConcept }] https://www.hl7.org/fhir/codesystem-organization-type.html

provHealthcare ProviderAn organization that provides healthcare services.
deptHospital DepartmentA department or ward within a hospital (Generally is not applicable to top level organizations)
teamOrganizational teamAn organizational team is usually a grouping of practitioners that perform a specific function within an organization (which could be a top level organization, or a department).
govtGovernmentA political body, often used when including organization records for government bodies such as a Federal Government, State or Local Government.
insInsurance CompanyA company that provides insurance to its subscribers that may include healthcare related policies.
eduEducational InstituteAn educational institution that provides education or research facilities.
reliReligious InstitutionAn organization that is identified as a part of a religious institution.
crsClinical Research SponsorAn organization that is identified as a Pharmaceutical/Clinical Research Sponsor.
cgCommunity GroupAn un-incorporated community group.
busNon-Healthcare Business or CorporationAn organization that is a registered business or corporation but not identified by other types.
otherOtherOther type of organization not already specified.


[legal_entities].type  | DICTIONARY: LEGAL_ENTITY_TYPE

"values": {
"MSP": "заклад з надання медичних послуг",
"MIS": "Medical Information system"


  • In HL7 type its array (many kinds), in the e-Health Legal Entity - one value of type
  • In HL7 type "prov" (Healthcare Provider) its crossing of 2 or more types of e-Health

2. Hierarchical structure of organization


Supports hierarchy by attribute "Part of"


Non supports hierarchy of Legal Entity


Missing functionality

3. Medical services structure of organization/locations


Supports multi medical services (category + type) in location (division) at entity "healthcareservice" https://www.hl7.org/fhir/healthcareservice.html


Now non support. May be use "Product Catalog" ???


Missing functionality

4. Confusion in practitioner quailifications/specializtion/etc


"Practitioner"."qualification"."code" : { CodeableConcept } - https://www.hl7.org/fhir/v2/0360/2.7/index.html#definition


Other structure of quailification

### Qualification
+ type: SPECIALIZATION (string, required) - `Dictionary QUALIFICATION_TYPE`
+ institution_name: Академія Богомольця (string, required)
+ speciality: Педіатр (string, required)
+ issued_date: 2017-02-28 (string, required) - дата отримання сертифікату
+ certificate_number: 2017-02-28 (string, required)


Big confusion and incompatibility of practitioner quailifications/specialization/etc

May be its non confusion, but it simply kind of education/quailifications specific in UA.

5. Absent practitioner role


"PractitionerRole" -A specific set of Roles/Locations/specialties/services that a practitioner may perform at an organization for a period of time. https://www.hl7.org/fhir/practitionerrole.html#resource


Non supports sets Roles/Divisions/specialties/services for Employee.


Missing functionality

Data structure comparison






To change DM

"identifier" : [{ Identifier }]id | uuid | not nullOk
"active" : <boolean>status | enum('active','closed') | not nullOk
"type" : [{ CodeableConcept }]type | varchar | not nullOk
"name" : "<string>"name | varchar | not nullOk
"alias" : ["<string>"], // A list of alternate names that the organization
is known as, or was known as in the past
???Small problemNothing todo
"telecom" : [{ ContactPoint }]phones | jsonb[]Ok
"telecom" : [{ ContactPoint }]email | varcharOk
"partOf" : { Reference(Organization) },???ProblemNothing todo
"contact" : [{ // Contact for the organization for a certain purpose}][employees]Ok
"purpose" : { CodeableConcept }, // The type of contact[employees].employee_typeOk
"name" : { HumanName }, // A name associated with the contact[employees].[parties].first_name + last_nameOk
"telecom" : [{ ContactPoint }], // Contact details (telephone, email, etc.)
for a contact
"address" : { Address } // Visiting or postal addresses for the contact[employees].[parties].???Small problemNothing todo
"endpoint" : [{ Reference(Endpoint) }]redirect_uri ???Small problemNothing todo






To change DM


"identifier" : [{ Identifier }]id | uuid | not nullOk
"status" : "<code>", // active | suspended | inactivestatus | varchar | not nullOk
"operationalStatus" : { Coding }, // The Operational status of the location
(typically only for a bed/room)
???Small problemNothing todo
"name" : "<string>", // Name of the location as used by humansname | varchar | not nullOk
"alias" : ["<string>"], // A list of alternate names that the location is known as,
or was known as in the past
???Small problemNothing todo
"description" : "<string>", // Additional details about the location that could be
displayed as further
information to identify the location beyond its name
???Small problemNothing todo
"mode" : "<code>", // instance | kind???Small problem-
"type" : { CodeableConcept }, // Type of function performedtype | varchar | not nullSmall problemConfusion
"telecom" : [{ ContactPoint }], // Contact details of the locationphones | jsonb[] | not null
email | varchar
"address" : { Address }, // Physical locationaddresses | jsonb | not nullOk
"physicalType" : { CodeableConcept }, // Physical form of the location???Ok
"position" : { // The absolute geographic locationlocation | geometryOk
→"longitude" : <decimal>, // R! Longitude with WGS84 datumlocation | geometryOk
→"latitude" : <decimal>, // R! Latitude with WGS84 datumlocation | geometryOk
→"altitude" : <decimal> // Altitude with WGS84 datumlocation | geometryOk
"managingOrganization" : { Reference(Organization) },
// Organization responsible for provisioning and upkeep
legal_entity_id | uuid | not nullOk
"partOf" : { Reference(Location) }, // Another Location this one is physically part of???Small problemNothing todo
"endpoint" : [{ Reference(Endpoint) }] // Technical endpoints providing access to
services operated for the location
redirect_uri ???Small problemNothing todo





To change DM

"identifier" : [{ Identifier }]id | uuid | not nullOk
"active" : <boolean>, // Whether this practitioner's record is in active useis_active | boolean | not nullOk
"name" : [{ HumanName }], // The name(s) associated with the practitioner[parties].first_name + last_nameOk

"telecom" : [{ ContactPoint }], // A contact detail for the practitioner

(that apply to all roles)

"gender" : "<code>", // male | female | other | unknown[parties].genderOk
"birthDate" : "<date>", // The date on which the practitioner was born[parties].birth_dateOk
"photo" : [{ Attachment }], // Image of the person???Small problemNothing todo
"qualification" : [{ // Qualifications obtained by training and certification}][doctors].qualificationOk

"identifier" : [{ Identifier }], // An identifier for this qualification

for the practitioner

"code" : { CodeableConcept }, // R! Coded representation of the


??? [doctors].[qualification]. typeProblem???
"period" : { Period }, // Period during which the qualification is valid???Small problemNothing todo

"issuer" : { Reference(Organization) } // Organization that regulates

and issues the qualification


"communication" : [{ CodeableConcept }] // A language the practitioner

is able to use in patient communication

???Small problemNothing todo






To change DM

"identifier" : [{ Identifier }], // External ids for this requestid | uuid | not nullOk
"definition" : [{ Reference(ActivityDefinition|PlanDefinition) }], // Protocol or definition??? план действийSmall problemNothing todo
"basedOn" : [{ Reference(CarePlan|MedicationRequest|
ProcedureRequest| ReferralRequest) }], // What request fulfills
??? основаниеSmall problemNothing todo
"groupIdentifier" : { Identifier }, // Composite request this is part of??? групповой ИДSmall problemNothing todo
"status" : "<code>", // active | on-hold | cancelled | completed |
entered-in-error | stopped | draft | unknown
status | enum() | not nullOk
"intent" : "<code>", // R! proposal | plan | order | instance-order??? Тип исползованияSmall problemNothing todo
"category" : { CodeableConcept }, // Type of medication usage

??? категория

Small problemNothing todo
"priority" : "<code>", // routine | urgent | stat | asap??? приоритет (routine | urgent | stat | asap)Nothing todoNothing todo
// medication[x]: Medication to be taken. One of these 2:

"medicationCodeableConcept" : { CodeableConcept },

"medicationReference" : { Reference(Medication) },

"subject" : { Reference(Patient|Group) }, // R! Who or group medication request is forperson_id | uuid | not nullOk
"context" : { Reference(Encounter|EpisodeOfCare) }, // Created during encounter/admission/stay

??? визит - сreated during encounter/admission/stay

Small problemNothing todo
"supportingInformation" : [{ Reference(Any) }], // Information to support ordering of the medication??? примечаниеSmall problemNothing todo
"authoredOn" : "<dateTime>", // When request was initially authoredcreated_date | date | not nullOk
"requester" : { // Who/What requested the Request??? кто запрашиваетOk

"agent" : { Reference(Practitioner|Organization|Patient|RelatedPerson|Device) },
// R! Who ordered the initial medication(s)
??? агент ??? legal_entity_id | uuid | not nullOk
"onBehalfOf" : { Reference(Organization) } // C? Organization agent is acting for???

"recorder" : { Reference(Practitioner) }, // Person who entered the requestemployee_id | uuid | not nullOk
"reasonCode" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Reason or indication for writing the prescription???Small problemNothing todo
"reasonReference" : [{ Reference(Condition|Observation) }], // Condition or Observation
that supports why the prescription is being written
???Small problemNothing todo
"note" : [{ Annotation }], // Information about the prescription???Small problemNeed add
"dosageInstruction" : [{ Dosage }], // How the medication should be takeninnm_dosage_instuction | jsonb | nullOk!!!! ----
"dispenseRequest" : { // Medication supply authorizationОграничения на выдачу 



Но делаем кол-во

"validityPeriod" : { Period }, // Time period supply is authorized forstart_date | date| not null
end_date | date| not null
"numberOfRepeatsAllowed" : "<positiveInt>", // Number of refills authorized
Small problem

Nothing todo

"quantity" : { Quantity(SimpleQuantity) }, // Amount of medication to supply per dispenseinnm_dose_qty | number | not null

"expectedSupplyDuration" : { Duration }, // Number of days supply per dispense???Small problemNothing todo
"performer" : { Reference(Organization) } // Intended dispenser???Small problemNothing todo
"substitution" : { // Any restrictions on medication substitution??? заменителиSmall problemNothing todo
"allowed" : <boolean>, // R! Whether substitution is allowed or not
Small problemNothing todo
"reason" : { CodeableConcept } // Why should (not) substitution be made
Small problemNothing todo
"priorPrescription" : { Reference(MedicationRequest) }, // An order/prescription
that is being replaced
??? предшествующий рецептSmall problemNothing todo
"detectedIssue" : [{ Reference(DetectedIssue) }], // Clinical Issue with action???Small problemNothing todo
"eventHistory" : [{ Reference(Provenance) }] // A list of events of interest in the lifecycle???Small problemNothing todo



HL7e-HealthResultTo change DM


"identifier" : [{ Identifier }], // External identifierid | uuid | not nullOk
"partOf" : [{ Reference(Procedure) }], // Event that dispense is part of

??? процедура лечения

Small problemNothing todo

"status" : "<code>", // preparation | in-progress | on-hold | completed |

entered-in-error | stopped

status | enum() | not null

"category" : { CodeableConcept }, // Type of medication dispense??? категорияSmall problemNothing todo
// medication[x]: What medication was supplied. One of these 2:

"medicationCodeableConcept" : { CodeableConcept },

"medicationReference" : { Reference(Medication) },

"subject" : { Reference(Patient|Group) }, // Who the dispense is for



"context" : { Reference(Encounter|EpisodeOfCare) }, // Encounter

/ Episode associated with event

??? визит - сreated during encounter/


Small problemNothing todo

"supportingInformation" : [{ Reference(Any) }], // Information that

supports the dispensing of the medication

??? доп.информация

Small problemNothing todo
"performer" : [{ // Who performed eventАптекаOk

"actor" : { Reference(Practitioner|Organization|Patient|Device|RelatedPerson) },

// R! Individual who was performing

employee_id | uuid | not null

"onBehalfOf" : { Reference(Organization) } // Organization organization was acting for}],

legal_entity_id | uuid | not null
division_id | uuid | not null


"authorizingPrescription" : [{ Reference(MedicationRequest) }],

// Medication order that authorizes the dispense

medication_request_id | uuid | not null

"type" : { CodeableConcept }, // Trial fill, partial fill, emergency fill, etc.

??? тип использования

Small problemNothing todo
"quantity" : { Quantity(SimpleQuantity) }, // Amount dispensed



"daysSupply" : { Quantity(SimpleQuantity) }, // Amount of medication

expressed as a timing amount

??? хватит на Х дней

Small problemNothing todo
"whenPrepared" : "<dateTime>", // When product was packaged and reviewed???Small problemNothing todo
"whenHandedOver" : "<dateTime>", // When product was given out???Small problemNothing todo
"destination" : { Reference(Location) }, // Where the medication was sent???Small problem
"receiver" : [{ Reference(Patient|Practitioner) }], // Who collected the medication??? получательSmall problemNeed add
"note" : [{ Annotation }], // Information about the dispense

??? примечание отпуска

Small problemNeed add

"dosageInstruction" : [{ Dosage }], // How the medication is to be

used by the patient or administered by the caregiver


innm_dosage_instuction | jsonb | null

"substitution" : { // Whether a substitution was performed on the dispense??? заменителиSmall problemNothing todo

"wasSubstituted" : <boolean>, // R! Whether a substitution was or was not

performed on the dispense

??? заменителиSmall problemNothing todo

"type" : { CodeableConcept }, // Code signifying whether a different drug

was dispensed from what was prescribed

??? заменителиSmall problemNothing todo
"reason" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Why was substitution made??? заменителиSmall problemNothing todo
"responsibleParty" : [{ Reference(Practitioner) }] // Who is responsible for the substitution??? заменителиSmall problemNothing todo
"detectedIssue" : [{ Reference(DetectedIssue) }], // Clinical issue with action???Small problemNothing todo
"notDone" : <boolean>, // Whether the dispense was or was not performed

status | enum() | not null

// notDoneReason[x]: Why a dispense was not performed. One of these 2:???Small problemNothing todo
"notDoneReasonCodeableConcept" : { CodeableConcept },???Small problemNothing todo
"notDoneReasonReference" : { Reference(DetectedIssue) },???Small problemNothing todo
"eventHistory" : [{ Reference(Provenance) }] // A list of releveant lifecycle events???Small problemNothing todo



HL7e-HealthResultTo change DM

"code" : { CodeableConcept }, // Codes that identify this medicationid | uuid | not nullOk
"status" : "<code>", // active | inactive | entered-in-error
status | varchar | not null
"isBrand" : <boolean>, // True if a brand
"isOverTheCounter" : <boolean>, // True if medication does not require a prescription
Small problemNothing todo
"manufacturer" : { Reference(Organization) }, // Manufacturer of the item
manufacturer_name_country | jsonb | not null
"form" : { CodeableConcept }, // powder | tablets | capsule +
route | varchar | not null
"ingredient" : [{ // Active or inactive ingredient[inngredients]Ok
// item[x]: The product contained. One of these 2:

"itemCodeableConcept" : { CodeableConcept },

"itemReference" : { Reference(Substance|Medication)},
"isActive" : <boolean>, // Active ingredient indicator
"amount" : { Ratio } // Quantity of ingredient present
"package" : { // Details about packaged medications
"container" : { CodeableConcept }, // E.g. box, vial, blister-pack
"content" : [{ // What is in the package

// item[x]: The item in the package. One of these 2:

"itemCodeableConcept" : { CodeableConcept },

"itemReference" : { Reference(Medication) },[medications]Ok
"amount" : { Quantity(SimpleQuantity) } // Quantity present in the package
container_dosage | jsonb | not null
package_qty | number| not null
"batch" : [{ // Identifies a single production run???Small problemNothing todo
"lotNumber" : "<string>", // Identifier assigned to batch???Small problemNothing todo
"expirationDate" : "<dateTime>" // When batch will expire???Small problemNothing todo
"image" : [{ Attachment }] // Picture of the medication???Small problemNothing todo

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ЕСОЗ - публічна документація