Deactivate Program Service

ЕСОЗ - публічна документація

Deactivate Program Service


This WS is designed to deactivate program service.




""" Fields to filter program services in the system. """ input ProgramServiceFilter { "Primary key identifier from the database." databaseId: UUID "Medical program filter." medicalProgram: MedicalProgramFilter "Flag whether `ProgramService` is active or not?" isActive: Boolean "Service request allowed status" requestAllowed: Boolean "Service filter" service: ServiceFilter "Service Group filter" serviceGroup: ServiceGroupFilter } """ Methods to use when ordering `ProgramService`. """ enum ProgramServiceOrderBy { "Sort by consumerPrice in ascending order" CONSUMER_PRICE_ASC "Sort by consumerPrice in descending order" CONSUMER_PRICE_DESC "Sort by inserted_at in ascending order." INSERTED_AT_ASC "Sort by inserted_at in descending order." INSERTED_AT_DESC } """ A connection to a list of `ProgramService` items. """ type ProgramServiceConnection { "Information to aid in pagination." pageInfo: PageInfo! "A list of nodes." nodes: [ProgramService] "A list of edges." edges: [ProgramServiceEdge] } """ An edge in a connection of `ProgramService`. """ type ProgramServiceEdge { "The item at the end of the edge." node: ProgramService! "A cursor for use in pagination." cursor: String! } """ Input for `CreateProgramService` mutation. User must have scope **program_service:write** to perform this action. """ input CreateProgramServiceInput { "Id of service" serviceId: ID "Id of service group" serviceGroupId: ID "Service program Identifier" medicalProgramId: ID! "Whether requesting medications allowed for the `ProgramService` or not?" requestAllowed: Boolean! "Consumer price for service or service group" consumerPrice: Float! "Description of un-automated conditions which should be checked for program member vs patient qualification" description: String } """ Return type for `CreateProgramService` mutation. """ type CreateProgramServicePayload { "Created `ProgramService`." programService: ProgramService } """ Input for `updateProgramService` mutation. User must have a scope **program_service:write** """ input UpdateProgramServiceInput { "The ID of an object." id: ID! "Whether requesting medications allowed for the `ProgramService` or not?" requestAllowed: Boolean "Description of un-automated conditions which should be checked for program member vs patient qualification" description: String } """ Return type for `updateProgramService` mutation. """ type UpdateProgramServicePayload { "Updated `ProgramService`." programService: ProgramService } """ Input for `deactivateProgramService` mutation. User must have a scope **program_service:write* """ input DeactivateProgramServiceInput { "The ID of an object" id: ID! } """ Return type for `deactivateProgramService` mutation. """ type DeactivateProgramServicePayload { "Deactivated `ProgramService`." programService: ProgramService } """ Program Service connects service, serviceGroup and medical program. In order to obtain details user must have a scope **program_service:read** """ type ProgramService implements Node { "The ID of an object." id: ID! "Primary key identifier from the database." databaseId: UUID! "MedicalProgram." medicalProgram: MedicalProgram! "Service" service: Service "Service group" serviceGroup: ServiceGroup "Consumer price for service or service group" consumerPrice: Float "Description of un-automated conditions which should be checked for program member vs patient qualification" description: String "Whether `ProgramService` is active or not?" isActive: Boolean! "Whether requesting services allowed for the `ProgramService` or not?" requestAllowed: Boolean! "Date and time when record was inserted" insertedAt: DateTime! "Date and time when record was updated" updatedAt: DateTime! }



Посилання на Apiary або Swagger



Посилання на ресурс, наприклад: /api/persons/create



Scope для доступу


Program Services

Зазначається перелік бізнес компонентів, які використовують цей метод, наприклад: ePrescription


API paragraph not found

Перелік мікросервісів, які використовує метод API, наприклад: Auth, ABAC

Protocol type


Тип протоколу, який використовується запитом, наприклад: SOAP | REST

Request type


Тип запиту API, наприклад: GET, POST, PATCH…


API paragraph not found

Метод є синхронним чи асинхронним?



Потрібно зазначити тип методу за ступенем доступності



Before this the program serviсe should be created by NHS



This WS is designed for NHS employees. To deactivate program service it must be active.
This query is use to deactivate existing program service.


Input parameters

Input parameter





Input parameter








Program service identifier. Required



Request structure


{ "operationName": "DeactivateProgramServiceMutation", "variables": { "input": { "id": "UHJvZ3JhbVNlcnZpY2U6NGJlNTMzNWItZjJhNy00NTA1LTg0ZDctOTdmMjZlYTIwZWNh" } }, "query": "mutation DeactivateProgramServiceMutation($input: DeactivateProgramServiceInput!) { deactivateProgramService(input: $input) { programService { id isActive __typename } __typename } } " }



  1. Verify the validity of access token

    1. in case of error return 401 error “Access denied”

  2. Check user scope program_service:write in order to perform this action

    1. in case of error generate 403 error “Your scope does not allow to access this resource. Missing allowances: program_service:write”





Authorization:Bearer c2778f3064753ea70de870a53795f5c9


Request data validation

Validate status

Program service should be active (is_active == TRUE)

  1. Validate `is_active` == FALSE

    1. if invalid  - return error "ProgramService is not active"

Validate Program service

Check on existing Program service record 

  1. Check existProgram service by $.id.

    1. if invalid - return error "Program service is not found"

Validate Service

  1. When deactivate service from program service, check group(in which service include) don't include in this program.

    1. if invalid - return error "Delete this service from service group"



Update program service record by $.id set value “is_active”= false


Response structure


{ "data": { "deactivateProgramService": { "__typename": "DeactivateProgramServicePayload", "programService": { "__typename": "ProgramService", "id": "UHJvZ3JhbVNlcnZpY2U6Nzg0NGFiOGUtNWQzZC00OGNkLWI5MDUtODJjMWEwNWZhZGQw", "isActive": false } } }, "extensions": { "requestId": "28b9c0d7-9e94-4099-a646-46d219f1a25a#614" } }


Post-processing processes


HTTP status codes

HTTP status code


What caused the error

HTTP status code


What caused the error





Access denied

Invalid token


Your scope does not allow to access this resource. Missing allowances: {{scope}}

Scope is missing

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