Capitation Report Process

ЕСОЗ - публічна документація

Capitation Report Process

Overall process

Capitation report starts periodically based on the value of configuration parameter CAPITATION_REPORT_SCHEDULE


CAPITATION_REPORT_SCHEDULE(Cron Format) How often to run capitation report

`* 1 * * *` for prod

`****15` for dev



Prepare dataset

  1. Determine billing_date

Billing_date - first calendar day of month. Month is equal to the month of report execution date


Report execution date is June 5, 2018

So the billing date should be June 1, 2018

2. Generate report_id

Report_id - unique report identifier generated for each report execution

3. Find active contracts

Active contract - contract that meets the following conditions:

contract.start_date< billing_date
contract.end_date>= billing_date
contract.statusin (ACTIVE)
contract.typein (capitation)

4. Find active employees declared in Active contract's

Active employee - employee that meets the following conditions:

contract_employees.start_date< billing_date
contract_employees.end_date>= billing_date

5. Find active declarations signed with Active employee

Active Declarations - declaration that meets the following conditions and is signed with active employee

declarations.employee_id= contract_employees.employee_id
declarations.division_id= contract_employees.division_id

declaration_status_hstr.status = active


Declaration was active on billing_date

6. Determine age_group for each declaration

There are following age groups right now:

0 - 5
EXTRACT(YEAR FROM AGE(now(), persons.birth_date)) between 0 and 5
where persons.id = declarations.person_id
6 - 17EXTRACT(YEAR FROM AGE(now(), persons.birth_date)) between 6 and 17
where persons.id = declarations.person_id
18 - 39EXTRACT(YEAR FROM AGE(now(), persons.birth_date)) between 18 and 39
where persons.id = declarations.person_id
40 - 65EXTRACT(YEAR FROM AGE(now(), persons.birth_date)) between 40 and 65
where persons.id = declarations.person_id
65 +EXTRACT(YEAR FROM AGE(now(), persons.birth_date)) > 65
where persons.id = declarations.person_id

7. (Optional) Validate signed content

In case of error during signed content validation - add record to capitation_report_errors

idUnique record identifier
capitation_report_idCapitation report id generated on step 2
declaration_idDeclaration id that caused error during signed content validation
messageError message
inserted_atInserted at date time

8. Aggregate and save data to DB

Create report record in capitation_reports. Result with zero values are also saved to report.

  1. For each contract in billing prepare temporary dataset with zero values for each key (age group | mountain group)
  2. Update this dataset with real number of declarations for each key
idGenerated on Step 2 report_id
billing_dateDetermined on Step 1 billing_date
created_atCreated at date time

Aggregate result data by: 

  • legal_entity_id
  • capitation_contract_id
  • mountain_group
  • age_group
idUnique record identifier
capitation_report_idGenerated on Step 2 report_id


where division.legal_entity_id = contract.legal_entity_id

age_groupDetermined on Step 6 age group
declarations_countNumber of declaration grouped by legal_entity_id, capitation_contract_id, mountain_group, age_group

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