Contract-Program-Service ERD

ЕСОЗ - публічна документація

Contract-Program-Service ERD




Services - Service Groups relations example

Composite Service example - TBC


Data Model


idUUIDMunique identifier of the record
codestringMservice code
namestringMservice name
is_activebooleanMused for deletion purposes (since we can not delete data from e-Health)
categorystringOcategory of service
is_compositionbooleanMfor future use
request_allowedbooleanMif true - service request can be created using this service
inserted_atdatetimeMdate and time when record was inserted
inserted_byuuidMid of the user who inserted this record
updated_atdatetimeMdate and time when record was updated
updated_byuuidMid of the user who updated this record

Service group

idUUIDMunique identifier of the record
codestringMservice group code
namestringMname of the service group
is_activebooleanMused for deletion purposes (since we can not delete data from e-Health)
parent_group_idUUIDOidentifier of parent group
request_allowedbooleanMif true - service request can be created using this group
inserted_atdatetimeMdate and time when record was inserted
inserted_byuuidMid of the user who inserted this record
updated_atdatetimeMdate and time when record was updated
updated_byuuidMid of the user who updated this record

Service in group

idUUIDMunique identifier of the record
service_idUUIDMid of service
group_idUUIDMif of group
aliasstringO"name" for link between service and group
is_activebooleanMused for deletion purposes (since we can not delete data from e-Health)
inserted_atdatetimeMdate and time when record was inserted
inserted_byuuidMid of the user who inserted this record
updated_atdatetimeMdate and time when record was updated
updated_byuuidMid of the user who updated this record

Programs (existing reimbursement medical_programs table is used)

This entity defines medical programs information structure.

Description and constraints
iduuidMunique identifier of the record
is_activebooleanMused for deletion purposes (since we can not delete data from e-Health)
namevarcharMname of the medical program
inserted_attimestampMdate and time when record was inserted
inserted_byuuidMid of the user who inserted this record
updated_attimestampMdate and time when record was updated
updated_byuuidMid of the user who updated this record


booleanMNot used for service programs
typevarcharMmedication, serviceNEW

Used for service programs, array of legal_entity_types dictionary values.

Program can be set on service request if it were created by an employee from legal entity with one of types listed in array


Program_services (new table)

Description and constraints
iduuidMunique identifier of the record
service_iduuidOservice_id OR service_group_id is mandatory
medical_program_iduuidMid of medical program
service_group_iduuidOservice_id OR service_group_id is mandatory


booleanMif true - service request can be created using the service or service group under the program
consumer_pricedoubleMprice for service/service group provision under the program
descriptiontextOused for text description of un-automated conditions which should be checked for program member vs patient qualification (e.g. sex or age of patient)
is_activebooleanMused for deletion purposes (since we can not delete data from e-Health)
inserted_attimestampMdate and time when record was inserted
inserted_byuuidMid of the user who inserted this record
updated_attimestampMdate and time when record was updated
updated_byuuidMid of the user who updated this record

contract_program_services (new table)

Description and constraints
iduuidMunique identifier of the record
is_activebooleanMused for deletion purposes (since we can not delete data from e-Health)
inserted_attimestampMdate and time when record was inserted
inserted_byuuidMid of the user who inserted this record
updated_attimestampMdate and time when record was updated
updated_byuuidMid of the user who updated this record

Endpoint response tree structure

Node 1
  • service_groups w/o sub-groups, w/o parent_group_id
  • service_groups with sub-groups, w/o parent_group_id
  • services which aren't included in any service_groups
Node 2
  • service_groups with parent_group_id with service_groups of the first node
  • services which are included in the service_groups of the Node 1
Node 3
  • service_groups with parent_group_id with service_groups from the second node
  • services which are included in the service_groups of the Node 2
Node 4
  • service_groups with parent_group_id with service_groups from the third node
  • services which are included in the service_groups of the Node 3
Node 5
  • services which are included in the service_groups of the Node 4

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