ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
Third Party Contracts
This service is implemented for trusted third party to manipulate with contract records in eHealth system. Assuming that all required business processes and validations is implemented on their side.
This section describes the types of contracts, contract divisions, and contract employees that can be created, viewed, modified, or deleted using this service. At the core of each type of contract that is processed in this way, CRUD methods are used.
Depending on the type of contract, there may be a different data model and corresponding validations, which are described additionally in the section of each type of contract.
Types of contracts
Global budget
Global budget and case-based payment - this is an ambulatory contract between the NHS and Legal Entity, which is necessary to receive financing for the services provided by the Legal Entity.
This type of contract is created on the NHS side using the CRUD methods.
The data model for this type of contract is described here.
All necessary validations are described in the corresponding endpoints, where #{contract_type} = GB_CBP.
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ЕСОЗ - публічна документація