ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
RC._Observation data model_EN
Observation document
Collection name: observations
Described as FHIR resource at https://www.hl7.org/fhir/R4B/observation.html
Name | Type | M/O | Description and constraints | HL7 vs eHealth comparison result |
id | uuid | M | System identifier of the entity (ObjectID) | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
based_on | {Reference} | O | Reference on Service Request resource | Ok |
body_site | {Codeable_concept} | O | Observed body part. Fills from | Ok |
categories | [Codeable_concept] | M | Classification of type of observation | Ok |
code | {Codeable_concept} | M | Type of observation (code / type). Fills from | Ok |
comment | string | O | Comments about the observation | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
components | [Component] | O | Component results | Ok |
context | {Reference} | O | Encounter during which this observation is made | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
context_episode_id | uuid | O | Episode of the Encounter, during which this observation is made | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
diagnostic_report | {Reference} | O | Diagnostic report during which this observation is made | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
effective_date_time | timestamp | O | Clinically relevant time for observation | Ok |
effective_period | {Period} | O | Clinically relevant time-period for observation | Ok |
inserted_at | timestamp | M | Datetime when entity was created | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
inserted_by | uuid | M | User by whom entity was created | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
interpretation | {Codeable_concept} | O | How an observation is interpreted. High, low, normal, etc. Fills from | Ok |
issued | timestamp | M | Date/Time this version was made available | Ok |
managing_organization | {Reference} | M | Reference on legal entity where observation was created. | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
method | {Codeable_concept} | O | How the observation was done. Fills from | Ok |
patient_id | string | M | Hashed mpi identifier of a person | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
primary_source | boolean | M | If observation belongs to primary source | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
reaction_on | {Reference} | O | Reference on immunization on which reaction the observation was made. | No |
reference_ranges | [ReferenceRange] | O | Provides guide for interpretation | Ok |
performer | {Reference} | O | Employee, who is responsible for the observation. | Ok |
report_origin | {Codeable_concept} | O | Who is responsible for the observation. Fills from | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
status | string | M | Observation status. Fills from | Ok |
updated_at | timestamp | M | Datetime when entity was updated | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
updated_by | uuid | M | User by whom entity was updated | Doesn't comply with FHIR |
value | {Value} | O | Actual result of the observation | Ok |
specimen | {Reference} | O | Specimen used for this observation | Ok |
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