ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
RC_(MC-1167)_[NEW] Сonfiguration data model
Table name: composition_configurations
Table is used to store configuration settings for composition validations. Configs for validations stored in prm
Column | Type | M/O | Description |
id | uuid | M | Identifier |
type | string | M | Type of composition. When validation process starts system compare this field with |
category | string | M | Category of composition. When validation process starts system compare this field with |
settings |
| M | File with config settings |
is_active | bool | M | Technical flag. By default is true |
inserted_at | dateTime | M | Date when settings was created |
inserted_by | dateTime | M | User who created configuration |
updated_by | UUID | M | User who updated configuration |
updated_at | dateTime | M | Date when settings was updated |
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ЕСОЗ - публічна документація