ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
RC_(MC-1205)_[NEW] Get publicComposition
- 1 Overview
- 2 Request
- 2.1 In parameters
- 2.2 Request example
- 3 Validations
- 4 Service logic
- 5 Response
- 5.1 Out parameters
- 5.2 Examples
- 5.2.1 Example of an error
- 5.2.2 Example of sucess
This is a web service is based on SOAP protocol and designed to return information about Composition.
In parameters
Key | Hierarchy level | Type | Description | Cardinality | |
1 | PublicGetCompositionRequest | 1 | object |
| 1..1 |
2 | firstName | 2 | string | Patient first name | 1..1 |
3 | secondName | 2 | string | Patient middle (second) name | 0..1 |
4 | lastName | 2 | string | Patient last (surname) name | 1..1 |
5 | UNZR | 2 | string | UNZR number | 0..1 |
6 | RNOKPP | 2 | string | RNOKPP number | 0..1 |
7 | document | 2 | object |
| 0..1 |
8 | documentType | 3 | string | Document type | 1..1 |
9 | documentNumber | 3 | string | Document number | 1..1 |
10 | compositionTitle | 2 | string | Composition title | 1..1 |
11 | compositionType | 2 | string | Composition type | 1..1 |
Request example
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:pub="http://example/soapgw/public">
Validate request against XSD schema
Validate one of RNOKPP or document is present in the request
in case of an error return fault with faultCode=Server, faultString = “RNOKPP or document must be present”
Validate person
Search for a person using Active person search algorithm
In case 0 or >1 persons found return fault with faultCode=Server, faultString = “Person not found”
In case 1 person found validate that persons id matches Composition.subject
In case persons id doesn't match perform Search Person's merged persons and check if Composition.subject is in
In case Composition.subject is not
return faultCode=Server, faultString = “Person not found”
Validate compositionTitle
In case compositionType is
search for Medical Conclusion from MC BD with title = compositionTitle from the requestElse search for ME.Composition with title = compositionTitle from the request
in case of an error return fault with faultCode=Server, faultString = “Composition not found”
Service logic
In case compositionType is
Select Medical Conclusion from MC BD
Create a response according to schema below
Else select Composition from ME DB
Create a response according to schema below
If Composition contains extensions set additionalAdmissionCondition, for each element in extension array create an element in additionalAdmissionCondition array with following values:
additionalAdmissionCondition.code = Composition.extension[@].valueCodeableConcept.coding[].code
if Composition.extension[@].valueCodeableConcept.extension is not null:
additionalAdmissionCondition.alphabeticalValue[]= Composition.extension[@].valueCodeableConcept.extension[?(@.valueCodeableConcept)].valueCodeableConcept.coding.code
Set display value from corresponding dictionaries for following elements:
Find a record in PRM.legal_entity where id = Composition.custodian.identifier.value
Set PublicGetCompositionResponse.custodian = PRM.legal_entity.name
Return response to the client according to schema
Out parameters
Key | Hierarchy level | Type | Description | Cardinality | |
1 | PublicGetCompositionResponse | 1 | object |
| 0..1 |
2 | title | 2 | string | Composition title | 1..1 |
3 | type | 2 | string | Composition type | 1..1 |
4 | category | 2 | string | Composition category | 1..1 |
5 | date | 2 | date | Composition signed date | 1..1 |
6 | custodian | 2 | string | Composition legal entity | 1..1 |
7 | status | 2 | string | Composition status | 1..1 |
8 | event | 2 | array | Event array | 1..* |
9 | code | 3 | string | Code display value from event array | 1..1 |
10 | period | 3 | object | Period from event array | 1..1 |
11 | start | 4 | dateTime | Start of period (ISO8601 format) | 1..1 |
12 | end | 4 | dateTime | End of period (ISO8601 format) | 0..1 |
13 | additionAdmissionCondition | 2 | array | Addition admission condition | 0..* |
14 | code | 3 | string | Code display value from addition admission condition array | 1..1 |
15 | codeNumber | 3 | string | Code from addition admission condition array | 1..1 |
16 | alphabeticalValue | 3 | array | Alphabetical value from addition admission condition array | 0..* |
17 | numericalValue | 3 | decimal | Numerical value from addition admission condition array | 0..1 |
18 | fault | 1 | object |
| 0..1 |
19 | faultCode | 2 | string | Standard code that provides more information about the fault. A set of code values is predefined by the SOAP specification, as defined below:
| 1..1 |
20 | faultString | 2 | string | A human readable explanation of the fault | 1..1 |
Example of an error
Patient not found
Example of sucess
<pub:type>Медичний висновок влодія</pub:type>
<pub:category>Медичний висновок водія, група ІІ</pub:category>
<pub:custodian>Перша регіональня лікарня</pub:custodian>
<pub:status>Фінальний статус. Медичний висновок підписаний</pub:status>
<pub:code>Медичний висновок водія для ПЕРШОЇ групи: ДОПУСК</pub:code>
<pub:code>Медичний висновок водія для ДРУГОЇ групи: НЕДОПУСК</pub:code>
<pub:code>Засіб корекції та/або захисту зору.</pub:code>
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