ЕСОЗ - публічна документація
RCC_IL.Sign person request (EDDR-132)
UNZR registry verification
If person’s data match following rules: ‘unzr’ is submitted and is not null (check in Request, within $.person.unzr)
then online verification with UNZR registry needed. Set to person verification record:
unzr_data_id = NULL
unzr_data_status = NULL
unzr_synced_at = NULL
unzr_verification_status = VERIFICATION_NEEDED
unzr_verification_reason = ONLINE_TRIGGERED
Then person will be verified online with UNZR registry via separate process: https://e-health-ua.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EDDR/pages/18050351106
If person’s data does not match rules from above – online verification with UNZR registry is not needed. Set to person verification record:
unzr_data_id = NULL
unzr_data_status = NULL
unzr_synced_at = NULL
unzr_verification_status = VERIFICATION_NOT_NEEDED
unzr_verification_reason = AUTO AUTO_DATA_ABSENT
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