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This WS is designed to allow NHS employee with assigned appropriate scopes to search Legal Entity.
Key points
This is a graphQl query method used in Administration panel only.
Only authenticated and authorized NHS employee with appropriate scope can search for a Legal Entity.
User can filter list by search params
A condition to be used against `LegalEntity` object types. All fields are tested for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’
input LegalEntityFilter {
"The ID of an object"
databaseId: UUID
"A unique identification number of a legal entity in the State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine."
edrpou: String
"In case legal entity was verified by NHS employee, nhsVerified should be true."
nhsVerified: Boolean
"In case legal entity was reviewed by NHS employee, nhsReview should be true."
nhsReviewed: Boolean
"Legal entity type. The value should be present in the `LEGAL_ENTITY_TYPE` dictionary."
type: [String]
"Conditions to check on fields of the object’s `addresses` field."
residenceAddress: AddressFilter
"Whether the legal entity is present in a unified state register or not?"
edrVerified: Boolean
"Legal entity status"
status: LegalEntityStatus
"EDRData filter"
edrData: EDRDataFilter
A condition to be used against `EDRData` object types. All fields are tested for equality and combined with a logical ‘and.’
input EDRDataFilter {
"The ID of an object"
id: ID!
"A unique identification number of a legal entity in the State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine."
edrpou: String
"Official name of legal entity"
name: String
"Conditions to check on fields of the object’s `addresses` field."
registrationAddress: AddressFilter
"Flag whether `edr_data` is actual or not?"
isActive: Boolean
Methods to use when ordering `LegalEntity`.
enum LegalEntityOrderBy {
"Sort legal entity by edrpou in ascending order."
"Sort legal entity by edrpou in descending order."
"Sort legal entity by inserted at in ascending order."
"Sort legal entity by inserted at in descending order."
"Sort legal entity by nhs review at in ascending order."
"Sort legal entity by nhs review at in descending order."
"Sort legal entity by nhs verified at in ascending order."
"Sort legal entity by nhs verified at in descending order."
"Sort legal entity by status at in ascending order."
"Sort legal entity by status at in descending order."
A connection to a list of `LegalEntity` values.
type LegalEntityConnection {
"Information to aid in pagination."
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"A list of nodes."
nodes: [LegalEntity]
"A list of edges."
edges: [LegalEntityEdge]
Reads and enables pagination through a set of `LegalEntity`.
type LegalEntityEdge {
"The item at the end of the edge."
node: LegalEntity!
"A cursor for use in pagination."
cursor: String!
Verify the validity of access token
Return 401 in case validation fails
Verify that token is not expired
in case of error - return (401, 'Invalid access token')
Check user scopes
legal_entity:read in order to search person
In case of invalid scope, return: "You don't have permission to access this resource“
Validate request
Validate query params
Parameters that could be sent to prm from admin search:
Service logic
Render LE array with results that match the search params. Return empty array if no data found